今天的香港,冰室 和 茶餐廳 遍佈街頭小巷,但兩者有甚麼分別?上回談到傳統冰室只能販賣飲品和小吃,打造《港式優雅生活》。今日繼續旅程,認識茶餐廳...
隨著中西方文化的融合,冰室的數量節節上升,而50年代香港經濟「火箭升空」引致「西餐館」和「咖啡室」變得更普遍;市民消費能力更高;飲食界變化與競爭更激勵。傳統冰室行業承不上這枝火箭,落後於大市。為了生存,店主們設法納入餐廳元素,售賣中西小炒以及各種飯類,開拓新戰線 - 《打工仔生存食糧》。傳統冰室行業於60年代開始正式面臨建構性壓力,大部份只領「小牌」的冰室已於80-90年代式微,而隨社會演變應運而生的便是 -《茶餐廳》。
☕冰室有冰,茶餐廳有茶,每間茶餐廳都會為客人奉上清茶(Local Tips:香港人不會喝),食品種類應有盡有,除冰室之選外,更提供中西式正餐如燴意粉、碟頭飯(蓋飯)、粥麵etc。香港經典食品如沙爹牛肉麵和蛋撻亦是來自茶餐廳。作為冰室的變體,茶餐廳有別於街邊的大牌檔,於舊時屬中檔食肆,配有妥當的裝修和較整潔的環境。據說1946年的蘭香閣茶餐廳是第一間以茶餐廳命名的鋪;而政府衛生局則於1960年才新設了「茶餐廳牌照」,第一個牌照由「漁利泰茶餐廳」獲得。時至今天,很多市肆都以「冰室」為名作招徠,但實際與茶餐廳無明顯差別,皆以茶餐廳形式營運。
傳統冰室的一杯冷飲一碟小吃,為香港人提供生活中的調製,展示出香港中西文化的交匯 ;
而茶餐廳則支撐著香港人的的日常飲食,盡顯香港人努力和 #平靚正 的精神。兩者都伴隨香港人的生活而生,與香港人的生活和香港歷史不可分割。茶餐廳食物配搭多變而且份量十足,是普羅大眾的食堂,由落單、上菜、到結帳,最緊要快!果腹後繼續工作!回應著一項傳說:「香港人最喜歡工作、最勤力、最高效率。」
A blend of Bing Sutt and Restaurants/
The word-word translation of Cha Chaan Teng is “Tea Restaurant”, while they would greet customers with a cup of tea (Local Tips: Hongkongers won’t drink it) and you can enjoy a decent Silk-stocking Milk Tea. Cha Chaan Teng and Bing Sutt are not the same but connected. While traditional Bing Sutt can only serve drinks and snacks(can ref. to previous post), Cha Chann Teng provides a full and wide range of F&B.
👨: "How many people? Sit here la."
(Waiter puts down two cups of tea)
Today, traditional Bing Sutt is rare and most of them are operating as a Cha Chaan Teng. Looking back to the 50s, the number of Bing Sutt peaked, when the rocketing period of HK economy boosted citizens' purchasing power and caused the number of "western restaurant" and "cafe" to increase, the catering industry became too competitive for Bing Sutt to survive. Therefore, Bing Sutt owners expanded their service spectrum by adding Chinese and Western main courses to their menu and created authentic HK dishes like Satay Beef Noodles. Instead of the cafe vibe of Bing Sutt, Cha Chaan Teng is more like the "Survival Kit for Workers". The govt. established an official "Cha Chaan Teng” License in 1960.
Cha Chaan Teng supports the daily diet of Hongkongers, demonstrating the general 3E desire of the city: economic, efficient, effective .HKers love working?