March 1, 2022






he encounter of tempeh and dace/

Beside spam, canned “Dace in Tempeh” is an other top can food in Hong Kong. In 1893, the first can was launched at a factory named 廣茂香 in Guangzhou. Tracing back to the 19th century, when workers in the Pearl River Delta who depended on the water for a living, accidentally discovered that the sweetness of dace and the salty aroma of tempeh go very well together. Then the recipe passed down for a hundred years…

Although Dace in Tempeh originated in Guangzhou, having a bite of  delicious Dace in Tempeh with rice is the daily life of many Hongkongers and the taste of it may even recall the feeling of home when you away.

Nevertheles, its price increased to 💰HKD50 per because of cross-border transportation issue. Hope that everyone can still find cans of Dace in Tempeh in the supermarket 😂

The production method that has not changed for a hundred years /

First put the tempeh in the can, then soak the thawed dried fish and seasoning liquid for a certain period of time before they are canned together, and finally inject refined soybean oil. After a can of tempeh dace is sterilized at high temperature, it becomes a finished product with perfect aroma and taste.

冰室&茶餐廳: (序) 美食天堂的中流砥柱
美食文化的幕後功臣-飲食文化的進程/ 飲食是生存必需品和生活的調劑,而飲食文化見證人和社會的成長。基於70年代香港經濟起飛和其獨特的國際身份,香港成為了美食天堂,世界美食的匯聚點。在此背後默默支撐著一切的是最地道且屬於香港人的本土飲食文化,見證了香港的歷史進程,支持著每個香港人的日常。 香港介紹過: (1)《大牌檔》由二次大戰後開始支撐著香港人的每一餐; (2) 大牌檔創出《絲襪奶茶》流芳百世; (3)《港飲文化》相繼而生; 今個月開始,我港會帶領你探索《冰室》和《茶餐廳》。 去 @kongcep852 右上角開著 🔔 通知,今個月唔會令你失望! The Inner Side of the Food Paradise – HK Food Culture/ Food culture witnesses the history and growth of a society. In light of the take-off of Hong Kong economy in the 1970s and its unique international identity, HK has become a food paradise with Michelin Starssss. And when we see through all the fame and spotlight, there is something more valuable to Hongkongers, the most authentic food culture which has recorded the history and story of HK, and supported the daily life of every Hongkongers. Previously, @Kongcept852 introduced you the “Dai Pai Dong”, “Silk-stocking Milk Tea” and “HK Beverage Culture”. In the upcoming weeks, let’s begin to drill into "冰室Bing Sutt" and "茶餐廳Cha Chaan Teng". 📸: @mr_nkf Visit @kongcept852 and turn on the 🔔notification on the top right hand corner, and be prepared. #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept #冰室 #茶餐廳 #茶記 #chachaanteng #bingsutt #香港文化 #hkfoodblogger #hkfoods #hkdrinks #自己香港自己救 #ฮ่องกง #홍콩 #hongkonger #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #japaneseinhk #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #hkphotography #visualhongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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好的咖啡或茶不僅只著重質素,還有氣氛和環境! ☕️ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 「鴛鴦」由建築設計公司 Building Narrative 出版的書。他們希望透過故事陳述與設計構想角度去介紹香港的茶舍與咖啡廳。雖然茶餐廳向來「快、靚、正」的賣點,一直都穩固地作為香港人用餐的首選,但新式的茶舍與咖啡廳不僅僅是提供飲食的地方,而成為了我們新的社區休憩空間。作者希望透過這本書讓讀者認識每個茶舍與咖啡廳經營者的理念其實構成了一個新的社區休憩網絡。致建築師、設計師、香港人:讓我們感受這一波茶舍與咖啡廳的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! 請稍移玉步先去看看他們的IG,「鴛鴦」的實體書很快就會面世! ‘’ Yin Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book to illustrates and presents tea house and cafes in Hong Kong through story-telling and from a design perspective. While cha chaan tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that go well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that become the new amenities of our local communities and play a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee shops and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have together created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. This is not only a book for architects and designers; it is a present for all HKers who have immersed themselves in this new wave of coffee and tea culture, and who totally enjoy it. As starter, enjoy their Instagram introduction of each tea house or café! The book will be released very soon! #kongcept #我港 #yinyeung #hkcafe #hkteahouse
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🧐Kongcept 飲品大全/ 每次步進港式咖啡室/餐廳,你只會叫奶茶、咖啡還是檸檬茶?可惜!…香港地道飲品其實五花八門。 入門:黑與白的大戰/ 「呵瀝&華田」(Holicks&Ovaltine)兩者都是麥芽飲品,雖然不是本土特產但經過年月的洗禮,現已成為大眾的兒時回憶,茶餐廳更會把兩者混合為兒童或黑白鴛鴦,一句到尾,呵瀝更好飲! 初級挑戰:汽水/ 各種外國引入的汽水也被香港人玩弄於股掌之間,像雞尾酒般調配。源自70年代尾的忌廉溝鮮奶,必須先把牛奶倒進杯然後才加入當時稱為荷蘭水的玉泉忌廉;熱檸樂煲薑,這是一種是香港一種民間食療,因舊時的公共醫療體系尚待發展完善,難以負擔診金的市民便希望以此治療感冒。雖然其藥效不明,但暖水和薑至少可以紓緩發冷及喉嚨不適。 中級挑戰:走/ 絲襪奶茶是香港之光,而茶走是它的演變體,據說從前食客害怕奶茶加入砂糖會惹痰,所以店家開始以煉奶代替砂糖,成為「茶走」,漸漸更出現鴦走和華田走等等的煉奶飲品。 地獄級:滾水蛋/ 這是只有老牌餐廳才會提供的飲品,做法是把一顆生蛋雞打進一杯滾燙的熱,攪拌開來後再加上砂糖調味。古曰,雞蛋進水有如「跳海」;蛋白花開彷如「袈裟」,輕飄落下;蛋黃之圓滑,就如「光頭」。這飲品又名為「和尚跳海」。由於舊時香港物資匱乏,「滾水蛋」是當時的一款營養食品。 愛我請分享/ 融合、創新、演變、再創新,被外國朋友問及香港文化時,大家都理應可以滔滔不絕的自豪地介紹。喝哪種飲品?如何品嚐一杯絲襪奶茶?如何用廣東話下單?這些話題都已足夠打動你的外國朋友,試利用一個下午茶的時間去介紹,你好 鍾意的香港。 Kongcept Drink Menu/ Are milk tea, coffee or coke always your choices of drinks? Shame, you are missing out a lot... Beginner Challenge: Soda/ There are different kinds of soda mocktail in HK. For instance, adding preserved limes and fresh lemon into 7up is the summer cure. Health-wise, boiling Coca Cola with ginger and lemon is a kind of folk diet therapy in old HK. When the public medical system has yet to be well developed, citizens who cannot afford the consultation fee would try to treat flu with this drink, although its efficacy is not proved, it at least relieves sore throat. Intermediate Challenge: “走jau2”/ Silk stocking milk tea is the pride of HK, and when you replace the evaporated milk and sugar in it with condensed milk, it becomes “茶走cha4 jau2”. In the past, diners were afraid that adding sugar to milk tea would cause phlegm, so the store began to replace sugar with condensed milk. Likewise, adding the word “走” at the end of any HK local beverage could means the use of condensed milk. Boss: Monk Jumping into the Sea/ This is a drink that only the oldest HK restaurants can offer, it’s made by adding a raw egg into a cup of boiling water. Egg yolk represents the shiny bald head of the monk and egg white that spread over the water is like the monk cassock. This drink was treated as a power drink for the lower-class. Complicated yet Loveable/ Learning but not blindly pursuing; harmonious but diversified. The concept of Yin Yeung represents the culture of HK.
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 午餐肉的港式生活 - 疫情良物🥲🥩 午餐肉的一段風光史/ 午餐肉源自於美國,由Jay Hormel在1937年發現,取名為大家很熟悉的SPAM。當時正值經濟大蕭條,Jay 將豬肉、鹽、水和馬鈴薯澱粉製造成午餐肉。因為加入了硝酸鈉,所以才會呈現出我們平常看見的粉紅色。雖然午餐肉是較平宜的食物,但是只有中產及富豪階層才會常吃,也只有他們才吃得起午餐,當時他們的午宴(Luncheon)流行吃SPAM,因此SPAM又稱為Luncheon Meat(午宴吃的肉)。 美國傳到冰室 - 餐蛋麵的日常🍳/ 午餐肉很快就流傳到英國,他們將午餐肉配搭生菜薯仔沙律。但這個飲食文化並沒有傳入香港(好彩冇咋!)。在50年代,冰室盛世的時期,廉價又方便的午餐肉成為了冰室的囊中物,加入荷包蛋、兩條菜和即食麵,制作成平宜又飽肚的餐蛋麵。直到現在,餐蛋麵成為香港人的最懶之選和Comfort Food,如果你說你只識煮餐蛋麵,多會被冠上「你根本就唔識煮野食」之名。 但其實午餐肉要煎得好吃也很講究!首先午餐肉就像牛排,肉排必須保持外層焦香與內部軟嫩多汁,切的厚度約5毫米。 注意午餐肉本身已附有很多油份,所以落少量的油即可,然後煎到兩邊金黃色。(你唔好煎午餐肉都煎濃啊XD) 附上餐蛋麵食譜(希望大家都唔需要😂),一齊捱過第五波疫情! PS: 正在強制家居隔離中🥲
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冰室: (一) 舊香港優雅生活
🧊冰室是否屬於香港?/ |雖然|冰室這個詞可能並不是由香港創造,|但是|港式冰室是屬於香港的。 冰室與廣州或上海的冰廳相類似,同樣是東西文化交匯的產物,會售賣冷飲及雪糕等小食,但兩者有著關鍵性的分別。港式冰室的 #Kongcept 源自香港的獨特環境和社會狀況,而內容亦與廣州的冰室有所不同,當中涉及以下的題目: 1)英式下午茶文化和英式咖啡室; 2)製冰業的興起; 3)香港自創的Fusion飲食 🇭🇰冰室起源/ 港式冰室於戰後的香港興起,冰室早期的主要客源為受西方文化薰陶的白領。港式冰室的起源可以追溯到英國維多利亞時代,當時的Coffee Shop及Tea House如雨後春筍般開業,加上製冰技術面世,英國的下午茶文化以及咖啡廳形式漸漸傳到香港,平民咖啡室因而出現 - #港式冰室。聽說最早的冰室出現於20年代,但資料已經難以追尋,只知道由40年代開始廣為人知,而50-60年代為冰室的盛世。 早港英時期,西式餐點只能在稱為「西菜館」或「餐室」的高級西式餐廳嚐到,價錢非一般人能承擔。直至二次大戰後,市民對西式食品的好奇,引致40年代初「冰室」的冒起,提供價錢較便宜的「彷西式食品」。由於冰室只持有市政局辦發的「小食菜館牌照」(小牌),只可以提供飲品和輕食如三文治,不能明火賣飯。有一些冰室更會配搭烘製麵包拍照。 🧊何謂啊「冰」?最緊要正/ 舊時候的廣州很流行「飲冰」這個詞,意指「喝冷飲」,而喝冷飲的店便稱之為「冰室」,據說名字背後與清未民初的中國思想家梁啟亦有關...詳情暫且不說。回望香港,其實除了冰室,還有相類似的業務被稱為咖啡店、咖啡廳、茶冰室等等,象徵著一樣的 #kongcept 。除了仿西方咖啡室外,與香港的社會狀況亦有密切關係,舊時候一般香港家庭負擔不起冷氣機或雪櫃的價錢 ,香港的冰室見機創造了各種冰凍飲品如紅豆冰作為招徠,再配上天花板的大吊扇為客人送爽。所以冰室曾經算是一種較高級的場所,屬於香港人的一種優雅生活態度~ 下回續...🔔 Bing Sutt - A blend of Western and Eastern culture/ The word-for-word translation of Bing Sutt is “Ice Room”; it, traditionally, is only allowed to serve drinks and light meals due to its license. It is characterised by its hanging fans, iced drinks, and Eastern-Western fused beverages and foods. It began by targeting white-collar workers who were fascinated by the Western culture. Tracing back to the Victorian era in England, when the advent of ice making technology, the British afternoon tea culture, and coffee shops have spread to HK. The HK-style ice room imitates the high-end cafe in the western restaurant. They have been widely known since the 1940s, and the 50-60s were the flourishing age of Bing Sutt. In the early days of British-HK, Western style meals can only be tasted in high-end Western-style restaurants and the price was not affordable for ordinary civilians. Until the Second World War, the public's curiosity about Western-style food led to the emergence of "Bing Sutt" in the early 1940s, creating a series of fusion food & beverages that fit the locals’ appetite, acting as cheaper alternatives to western-style food. Bing Sutt is named when the average family cannot afford to pay for an air conditioner or refrigerator. To be continued…🔔 📸: @mr_nkf
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歎一杯好的咖啡或茶的同時,你有嘗試感受四周的空間和氣氛嗎?☕ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 🎁送禮遊戲!看第四頁指引 以「鴛鴦」命名由咖啡混合奶茶而成的港式飲品,是取自其物種的特性,雌雄有著截然不同的外貌卻能共處,正如中西文化在港融合。每個香港人平均只有2.8平方米的居住面積,咖啡店和茶室是他們重要的社交場所,建築設計公司 Building Narrative @building_narrative 把「鴛鴦」延伸成「穿梭於香港每個角落的咖啡店與茶室」,探討他們在香港的社會角色。 香港人IG的saved post塞滿各式的咖啡店與茶室,每逢假日都愛到「打卡Cafe」chill一chill,約會、思考、看看街上的人、物和事。其實咖啡店與茶室是紮根於社區的公共空間,透過設計和環境營造出能促進人交流的氣氛。 //那麼...你知道你口中的Chill是源自哪裏嗎?// //每間別樹一格的Cafe或Tea House蘊藏了甚麼設計意圖?// 「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。書中除了看似普通的街坊聚腳點,亦有備受注目的項目,例如由國際著名建築公司OMA設計的 K11 Musea KUBE 。 //致建築師、設計師、香港人:// //讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! // 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》Giveaway!!!📖 🎁 Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友 Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3 - Follow Kongcept 然後把story截圖DM給 @kongcept852 💛我們會當中揀選兩位幸運兒送上新書一本,並被邀請到下星期三的新書會💛 Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store ‘’ Yuen Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book that illustrates and presents coffee and tea houses in HK through story-telling and from a design perspective. While Cha Chaan Tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that goes well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that becomes the new amenities of our local communities and plays a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁 Step 1-Comment to share your impressed coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852 💛 We will select two winners to give out a FREE book and be invited to their book launch on next Wednesday 💛
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茶餐廳: (二) 香港生存食糧
今天的香港,冰室 和 茶餐廳 遍佈街頭小巷,但兩者有甚麼分別?上回談到傳統冰室只能販賣飲品和小吃,打造《港式優雅生活》。今日繼續旅程,認識茶餐廳... 茶餐廳=餐廳+冰室/ 隨著中西方文化的融合,冰室的數量節節上升,而50年代香港經濟「火箭升空」引致「西餐館」和「咖啡室」變得更普遍;市民消費能力更高;飲食界變化與競爭更激勵。傳統冰室行業承不上這枝火箭,落後於大市。為了生存,店主們設法納入餐廳元素,售賣中西小炒以及各種飯類,開拓新戰線 - 《打工仔生存食糧》。傳統冰室行業於60年代開始正式面臨建構性壓力,大部份只領「小牌」的冰室已於80-90年代式微,而隨社會演變應運而生的便是 -《茶餐廳》。 👨:「幾多位?依到啦!」 (啪啪,夥計放下兩杯清茶) 👨:「想食咩?」 ☕冰室有冰,茶餐廳有茶,每間茶餐廳都會為客人奉上清茶(Local Tips:香港人不會喝),食品種類應有盡有,除冰室之選外,更提供中西式正餐如燴意粉、碟頭飯(蓋飯)、粥麵etc。香港經典食品如沙爹牛肉麵和蛋撻亦是來自茶餐廳。作為冰室的變體,茶餐廳有別於街邊的大牌檔,於舊時屬中檔食肆,配有妥當的裝修和較整潔的環境。據說1946年的蘭香閣茶餐廳是第一間以茶餐廳命名的鋪;而政府衛生局則於1960年才新設了「茶餐廳牌照」,第一個牌照由「漁利泰茶餐廳」獲得。時至今天,很多市肆都以「冰室」為名作招徠,但實際與茶餐廳無明顯差別,皆以茶餐廳形式營運。 🇭🇰香港象徵/ 傳統冰室的一杯冷飲一碟小吃,為香港人提供生活中的調製,展示出香港中西文化的交匯 ; 而茶餐廳則支撐著香港人的的日常飲食,盡顯香港人努力和 #平靚正 的精神。兩者都伴隨香港人的生活而生,與香港人的生活和香港歷史不可分割。茶餐廳食物配搭多變而且份量十足,是普羅大眾的食堂,由落單、上菜、到結帳,最緊要快!果腹後繼續工作!回應著一項傳說:「香港人最喜歡工作、最勤力、最高效率。」 A blend of Bing Sutt and Restaurants/ The word-word translation of Cha Chaan Teng is “Tea Restaurant”, while they would greet customers with a cup of tea (Local Tips: Hongkongers won’t drink it) and you can enjoy a decent Silk-stocking Milk Tea. Cha Chaan Teng and Bing Sutt are not the same but connected. While traditional Bing Sutt can only serve drinks and snacks(can ref. to previous post), Cha Chann Teng provides a full and wide range of F&B. 👨: "How many people? Sit here la." (Waiter puts down two cups of tea) Today, traditional Bing Sutt is rare and most of them are operating as a Cha Chaan Teng. Looking back to the 50s, the number of Bing Sutt peaked, when the rocketing period of HK economy boosted citizens' purchasing power and caused the number of "western restaurant" and "cafe" to increase, the catering industry became too competitive for Bing Sutt to survive. Therefore, Bing Sutt owners expanded their service spectrum by adding Chinese and Western main courses to their menu and created authentic HK dishes like Satay Beef Noodles. Instead of the cafe vibe of Bing Sutt, Cha Chaan Teng is more like the "Survival Kit for Workers". The govt. established an official "Cha Chaan Teng” License in 1960. Cha Chaan Teng supports the daily diet of Hongkongers, demonstrating the general 3E desire of the city: economic, efficient, effective .HKers love working?
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☕️🧇 上回提到,冰室和茶餐廳之間的分別,早期兩者連牌照上也有所不同。今次我們嘗試拆解現時最常見的可供堂食的兩種飲食牌照。 「細牌」/ 當時冰室的牌照與現時小食食肆牌照類似,俗稱「細牌」,與普通食肆牌照一樣可以堂食,但只可售賣《⼩⻝⻝肆獲准烹製及售賣的⻝物》內所列明的“已預先製作”的⻝物。持有細牌的食肆只准烹製及售賣被規定的六種類内其中一種。 「大牌」/ 相反,普通食肆牌照又稱「大牌」,只要不是售賣受限制的食品,例如壽司🍣、生蠔🦪等,准許持牌人基本上是沒有限制的,而且食客也可以堂食。 茶餐廳牌照/ 衛生局 於1960年設立了「茶餐廳牌照」,但現時已被廢除。有關牌照的特性和廢除的原因,我也沒有太多資訊,我嘗試聯絡過相關部門但都空手而回。然而我們相信現時所有茶餐廳領取著普通食肆牌照。若讀者們知道這些歷史和條例,不妨與我們分享。 今時今日的冰室/ 現時大部份的所謂冰室也領取着「普通食肆牌照」。除了裝修外,實際上他們所提供的食品與普通茶餐廳沒有太大的分別。所以現在我走進冰室,吃的主要是當年環境氣氛的感覺,食物種類和質素是次要的。 Types of restaurant licenses/ As mentioned last time, in the 1980s and early 1990s, the licences of traditional “Bing Sutt” and “Cha Chaan Teng” were different. Today let’s illustrate the two most common catering licenses which are available for dine-in service. “Small license"/ In the earlier stage, the “Bing Sutt’s” license was similar to the current light refreshment restaurant license, commonly known as "small license". It allows dine-in service but strictly restricted the food items that the licensee can prepare and sell for consumption, only one group of the food items as stated can be chosen. “Big license”/ On the contrary, ordinary restaurant licenses are known as "big license." As long as licensee does not sell restricted food items, like sushi and oysters, that require a specific permit, the licensee basically can sell anything and is also available for dine-in. “Cha Chaan Teng’s” license/ This license was established in 1960 by the former Health Bureau but has now been suspended. And we believe all Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong nowadays have a general restaurant license. Detailed information and the reasons for its suspension are hard to find, so if you know anything about the history and regulations, please do not hesitate to share them with us. Today’s “Bing Sutt”/ Basically, most of the so-called “Bing Sutts” are now holding general restaurant licenses. Except for the decoration, their menu is more or less the same as ordinary “Cha Chaan Teng”. For me, when I now walk into Bitt Sutt, what I am enjoying the most is the taste of time rather than the taste of food.
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香港農曆新年: 盆菜起源
🧧我港拜年/ “我港仝人向各位拜個年,祝大家牛年快樂、百毒不侵、心想事成,新一年我港會繼續努力,以更引人入勝的表達,為你帶來更豐富的內容。” Bio有link:🧧 https://payme.hsbc/kongcept852🧧 歡迎各位善長人翁獻出一點點的支持與愛心❤️ 利是可以寫上你對我港的期待或意見~ ——————————————————————————— 香港人的那兩個新年/ 🎆 👫🏻👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻10 9 ...3 2 1 新年快樂!! 🧨 👨‍👩‍👦🏠恭喜發財身體健康...x 100times 基於香港獨特的歷史背景,慶祝兩次新年已是屬於香港人的一套文化,雖然兩者的意義有所不同但於香港皆受到重視。港英年代時,雖然 #西曆新年 作為節日登陸了香港,但港英政府並沒有干預當時的傳統習俗,更於1965年起,每逢農曆新年前夕都會有港督發表新年賀詞,孕育出中西文化交融的環境。香港人慶祝西歷新年是現代化和社會的體現,獨立性較高,作為生於香港的都市人,經歷了一年的 #最長工時 後與愛人和朋友狂歡並發洩出所有壓力,然後1月1日為自己訂立新一年的Smart Goal和人生計畫。相反, #農曆新年 則注重傳統習俗、信念和親情,並為新一年作準備。由「年廿八,洗邋遢」到「年三十團年」和「年初一拜年」等等,雖然習俗較多但當中所有活動都是以「家」為單位。即使你不相信某些習俗背後的寓意,這些都是和家人親戚共處的好機會。🌃😢如你曾到外國留學或工作,身處異地,你最想念家的日子就是農曆新年時份。大家適逢農曆新年請好好與家人共度時光。 香港農曆新年,飲食/ 作為全世界華人的節日,不同地方都有着不同的慶節食品,而香港許多賀年食品的由來都是源於粵語的諧音。例如年糕,顧名思義有着年年高的意思,男女老少都適用,而在職認識會希望事業更上一層樓,小朋友則祈求快高長大。另外,髮菜蠔豉正是寓意發財好市,有別於一般賀年食品原來這個菜式並不油膩,而且營養價值更頗高,髮菜高鐵高鈣高蛋白而蠔豉有着多種良好氨基酸有助去除體內有毒物質,有助預防動脈硬化。 至於🥘 #盆菜 呢?這是 #香港飲食文化 ?!盆菜起源 於南宋末年,宋帝與多名大臣南下時來到香港新界圍村,當時他們飢餓萬分,村民得知皇上到來不敢怠慢,於是各家各戶拿出各自最好的食材。但由於時間緊急,一時三刻沒有足夠的盤碟承載食物供給多人享用,村民於是利用洗衣服的木盤作為代替,把所有食物一同放進去,成為「盆菜」。時至今日每逢有喜慶活動,圍村的村民都會聚在一起吃盆菜,成為香港獨有的文化。加上今年受疫情所影響,團年及農曆新年大家都未能夠外出當食,不少食肆也推出盆菜,方便大眾與家人慶節。 #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #農曆新年 #西曆新年 #香港文化 #傳統 #利是 #家 #祝福 #恭喜發財 #盤菜 #圍村 #身體健康
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 豆豉與鯪魚的邂逅/ 隔離期間食太多午餐肉?由細食到大嘅豆豉鯪魚呢?1893年,第一罐豆豉鯪魚在廣洲廣茂香罐頭廠面世。這可追溯十九世紀時,依水為生的珠三角勞工,偶然發現鯪魚的甘鮮和豆豉的咸香十分配合。豆豉、鯪魚和調味料的配方一直長相廂守至今,你能想像一樣的味道能流傳百年嗎? 雖說豆豉鯪魚起源於廣州,但絕對不輸午餐肉的「頹人恩物」,美味的鯪魚加上豆豉汁撈飯可能是很多香港人的日常,它的味道也讓很多移居外國的香港人回憶家鄉的感覺。在疫情如此嚴重的時刻,跨境運輸的阻礙更令它的價錢一度上調至💰50元!!!祝願大家仍能在超市找到罐豆豉鯪魚😂 百年不變的制作方法/ 豆豉味滲進魚肉,魚汁浸泡豆豉,互為融合,但其實制作過程中,豆豉和魚是入罐後才相遇的。首先將豆豉入罐,再把解凍好的魚乾和調料液里浸泡一定時間,他倆才能相遇,最後注入精煉豆油。一罐豆豉鯪魚在高溫消毒後便成香氣與味覺滿分的完成品。 The encounter of tempeh and dace/ Beside spam, canned “Dace in Tempeh” is an other top can food in Hong Kong. In 1893, the first can was launched at a factory named 廣茂香 in Guangzhou. Tracing back to the 19th century, when workers in the Pearl River Delta who depended on the water for a living, accidentally discovered that the sweetness of dace and the salty aroma of tempeh go very well together. Then the recipe passed down for a hundred years… Although Dace in Tempeh originated in Guangzhou, having a bite of delicious Dace in Tempeh with rice is the daily life of many Hongkongers and the taste of it may even recall the feeling of home when you away. Nevertheles, its price increased to 💰HKD50 per because of cross-border transportation issue. Hope that everyone can still find cans of Dace in Tempeh in the supermarket 😂 The production method that has not changed for a hundred years / First put the tempeh in the can, then soak the thawed dried fish and seasoning liquid for a certain period of time before they are canned together, and finally inject refined soybean oil. After a can of tempeh dace is sterilized at high temperature, it becomes a finished product with perfect aroma and taste.
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021【 5/8:紅豆西多,香港人的下午 @kongcept852】 ***31/12投選你最喜歡的貼文種類*** 關於 #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 💬//我港從生活和飲食入手,探討香港人間的微妙連結。無形的種種讓我們產生“共鳴”、“安心”,而一切其實有跡可尋。// 香港人的滿分下午 💬//紅豆冰配西多士係定律!// / 跟大家分享過,傳統冰室是屬於較高級的場所,蘊含的文化內容包括下午茶、咖啡廳、舊香港的社會環境等等...冰室的招牌菜式,香港人最渴求的下午茶,非紅豆冰和西多士莫屬!兩者都是源於香港的冰室,極具本土風味! 紅豆冰/ 說到豪華高級的港式飲品,童年時的最愛,一定是始於香港冰室的「紅豆冰」- 像是冰室化後的紅豆沙。把綿綿的紅豆、白滑的三花淡奶、涼透心的碎冰放進高身的蓮花杯,再用長長的鐵匙搞拌,把紅白色分明的它混合成紫紅色,大吸一口...簡單的快樂和治癒感。傳統紅豆冰多從大冰塊刨出碎冰製作飲料,但因成本較高而被淘汰,並以製冰機造的冰粒或碎冰代替。當然,在香港無法自行製冰的年代,紅豆冰是格外珍貴的飲品。有別於大x樂之流,上水的「廣成冰室」創立於1962年, 四個大字的招牌、通透的門面、天花板的大風扇、還有招牌紅豆冰!3/5杯的豆紅色+1/5杯的奶白色+1/5利用古董刨冰機手刨出的刨冰柱,6/70年代的傳統冰室味道透入你心。 西多士/ 西多士HK French Toast,原型大概是歐洲流行的法蘭西多士French Toast,分別在於前者是「炸」香夾層中有花生醬的兩塊麵包,塗上牛油和糖漿(有茶餐廳會加入火腿)食用;後者是「煎」香一塊塊的麵包,配上糖漿或水果等食用。西多士實際的歷史故事無從得知,但French Toast的製作手法原是為了善用不新鮮麵包而出現的一條妙計。對於某些老一輩,最著緊的可能還是那英國出品的高級糖漿,那份港英時期的味道。 💬//有人話我知邊到嘅西多士好食就好啦😚// Cover Photo📷: @mr_nkf The best 2-Course Tea Set/ Talking about a perfect authentic taste at the Bing Sutt, “HK French Toast” and “Red Bean Ice” form a destined set. Both of them originated in the Bing Sutt industry of HK. Given the high calories and memories that Hongkongers had with them, they can offer you the most authentic taste of HK. “HK French Toast” is a twist from the classic French toast in Europe, except in a sandwich form that is traditionally stuffed with peanut butter (sometimes with condensed milk or ham) and deep-fried. Then, served with a glaze of syrup and butter on top. On the other hand, traditionally, “Red Bean Ice” consists of 3/5 cup of red bean, 1/5 cup of evaporated milk, and hand-shaved ice. #我港 #kongcept #西多士 #紅豆冰 #冰室 #茶餐廳 #下午茶 #FrenchToast #廣成冰室
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