🧪Neon(氖)由英國化學家發現,再於1910年由法國化學家George Claude發展成「Neon Light」,漢語以音譯相近,帶有彩虹含義的「霓虹」命名。1912年於蒙馬特大道出現世界上第一塊霓虹廣告牌,其後於歐美盛行,2、30年代發展到上海,伴隨上海的專才(霓虹師傅、書法家等)移民到港,50年代發展到香港並開始發展。
🇭🇰談及世界對香港的印象,西方電影總喜歡包含夜景、黑社會、Cyberpunk等等,而「霓虹燈 Neon Light」是當中不可或缺的元素;有色慾的紅色、富裕的黃色、神秘的紫色。王家衛的電影入《旺角卡門》亦經常看到。8/90年代是香港霓虹燈的高峰期,形形色色的霓虹燈箱籠罩香港晚空內每一道狹縫,以及記憶內的每分鬧鬨。在香港最輝煌的時期,有霓虹燈,曾經維港海旁的高樓頂層,都有大型霓虹燈招牌,不但形成五光十色的夜景,也象徵了香港的輝煌 - 「東方之珠」。
「以前有一句說話,香港繁榮靠設計,就係講霓虹㗎啦。」 - 劉穩師傅👨🏫
法國發明的霓虹燈與香港有甚麼關係?霓虹燈象徵香港8、90年代的繁榮背景、明星般的氣場和社會氛圍。當時「搵錢易」的氣氛促成香港的消費主義生活方式,不論是百貨公司、餐廳、酒店、企業都以霓虹燈作為宣傳工具,加上,引發「霓虹燈箱」宣傳戰。市民相約朋友,會以霓虹招牌作地標。香港當時唐樓和綜合用途建築物的建築結構(下舖上居),以及寬鬆的管制和有限的空間,香港霓虹燈在狹窄的街道上拼湊成層層疊疊的獨特景象,當中的density & volume便是香港霓虹燈的獨特風貌 - 「霓虹叢林」。
The Chinese name 霓虹 is similar to the transliteration of "Neon Light" with the meaning of rainbow. The world’s first neon billboard was built on Boulevard Montmartre in 1912, it spread to Shanghai in the 20/30s. There was once a storm of Shanghai’s professionals (neon masters, calligraphers, etc.) immigrating to Hong Kong, which initiated the beginning of HK in the 50s.
The HK that you see in western movies is always linked to "Neon Light"; red for lust, yellow for wealth, and purple for mystery etc. The 8/90s were the peak period of HK’s neon lights. All kinds of neon signs covered every slit in the night sky of HK, and every bit of the memory of Hongkongers at that time. Talking about the night view along the Victoria Harbour, many huge neon signs can once be found on the rooftops of those skyscrapers which created a colourful night scene and also symbolized the glory of HK - "Pearl of the Orient".
"There used to be a saying that Hong Kong's prosperity depends on the design, which refers to neon signs."-Master Liu, neon signs creator.
In the 80/90s the ever-rising economy of HK promoted a consumerist lifestyle, all walks of life had a bright future. Department stores, restaurants, hotels, and enterprises, all used neon signs as a promotional tool. A "neon signs" competition is formed which the champion of it was treated as the most powerful party. HK's neon lights are patched together into a unique street scene, high density & volume. Such a unique style of HK's neon lights-"Neon Jungle".