霓虹燈曾經是香港夜景的主角,曾籠罩晚空的每一道狹縫,照亮維港兩岸。而維港最後的霓虹燈招牌 - 「Panasonic」,自1998年開始已經一直屹立在銅鑼灣伊利莎伯大廈天台,由尹炳光師傅製造。但今日再到維港,你會發現改裝成LED燈的工程已經開始了。根據「 @hongkongneonlights 霓虹黯色」的發文得知,由於「 Panasonic」 霓虹光管招牌體型過大(達兩層樓高),連M+博物館亦無法收藏,所以它的去向仍在商討中。是次決定可能是基於經濟考量或其他原因,我們無需強行挽留,亦無權批評。但至少希望更多人得知這件事,這是時代的變遷。
Extinction?! The last neon signage along the Victoria Harbour - Panasonic signage (1998-2021). It had been standing on the roof of the Elizabeth House in Causeway Bay for 23 years but is now being replaced by LED. The destination of that neon signage is to be confirmed, as of its height, 1-2 stories, it is difficult to be stored inside the museum. Hopefully, more people will learn about this news, the moment of the century.
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