品味奶茶🏝️Luxurious Milk Tea習以為常的錯/有時候對茶餐廳不能要求太多,但有一杯好飲的絲襪奶茶絕對係點綴!絲襪奶茶已有多年歷史,由50年代藍領階層的恩物變成照顧全香港市民的獨特文化。發展至今,絲襪奶茶於香港已經隨處可見,不論是日式餐廳或以港式奶茶為招徠的店鋪層出不窮,奶茶雪糕,奶茶爆谷,奶茶味乳清蛋白…縱使有金茶王大賽或港式奶茶機械人等相關事物,但針對奶茶本身的發展還是較遜色。「絲襪奶茶已是香港最多人喝的飲品,你還要求什麼?」,無可否認,香港人每年對奶茶的消耗量高達9億杯,但習以為常換來的會是價值的下降和冷漠的對待,比起作為一杯跟餐的免費飲品,絲襪奶茶值得擁有更多。絲襪奶茶的調配很講求多階段的技巧,一沖、二焗、三撞、四回溫為基本的沖茶步驟。作為靈魂的茶膽則以三到六種不同粗幼的茶葉拼成,粗茶香氣濃郁而茶色清澈;幼茶色澤較深而茶味最濃;至於中粗茶的質素則較平均,用作平衡茶膽。箇中的學問為此飲品增添了一定的價值,有很大的進步和發展空間。或許絲襪奶茶可以代替咖啡,成為你和我的生活品味,手工絲襪奶茶店於世界偏地開花亦非空想。先生小姐,請問想要咖啡或茶?
Taste of HK Lifestyle/Silk Stocking Milk Tea has now become the most famous and sometimes complimentary beverage in Hong Kong, from the energy drink for blue-collar workers in the 50s to a necessity for every Hong Konger. In recent years, it even bloomed as a gimmick in different areas, silk stocking milk tea flavoured ice-ream, popcorn, whey protein powder, the sky is the limit. However, the study and development of the milk tea itself are lost behind, despite there are even related competitions such as the KamCha. Although Hong Kongers drinks 900million milk tea every year, it is actually being treated as a super ordinary drink as people don't value the things they get for free.Making a decent cup of Silk Stocking Milk Tea requires different techniques, with proper blending and selection of tea leaves and evaporated milk, you enjoy the perfect balanced milk-rich layers of tastes. Silk Stocking Milk Tea has a high potential, decent cupping and tasting are granted, let us stay tuned for the bloom of Silk Stocking Milk Tea industry. I don’t need a Barista, I want a Milkteaista!