冰室與廣州或上海的冰廳相類似,同樣是東西文化交匯的產物,會售賣冷飲及雪糕等小食,但兩者有著關鍵性的分別。港式冰室的 #Kongcept 源自香港的獨特環境和社會狀況,而內容亦與廣州的冰室有所不同,當中涉及以下的題目:
1)英式下午茶文化和英式咖啡室; 2)製冰業的興起; 3)香港自創的Fusion飲食
港式冰室於戰後的香港興起,冰室早期的主要客源為受西方文化薰陶的白領。港式冰室的起源可以追溯到英國維多利亞時代,當時的Coffee Shop及Tea House如雨後春筍般開業,加上製冰技術面世,英國的下午茶文化以及咖啡廳形式漸漸傳到香港,平民咖啡室因而出現 - #港式冰室。聽說最早的冰室出現於20年代,但資料已經難以追尋,只知道由40年代開始廣為人知,而50-60年代為冰室的盛世。
舊時候的廣州很流行「飲冰」這個詞,意指「喝冷飲」,而喝冷飲的店便稱之為「冰室」,據說名字背後與清未民初的中國思想家梁啟亦有關...詳情暫且不說。回望香港,其實除了冰室,還有相類似的業務被稱為咖啡店、咖啡廳、茶冰室等等,象徵著一樣的 #kongcept 。除了仿西方咖啡室外,與香港的社會狀況亦有密切關係,舊時候一般香港家庭負擔不起冷氣機或雪櫃的價錢 ,香港的冰室見機創造了各種冰凍飲品如紅豆冰作為招徠,再配上天花板的大吊扇為客人送爽。所以冰室曾經算是一種較高級的場所,屬於香港人的一種優雅生活態度~
Bing Sutt - A blend of Western and Eastern culture/
The word-for-word translation of Bing Sutt is “Ice Room”; it, traditionally, is only allowed to serve drinks and light meals due to its license. It is characterised by its hanging fans, iced drinks, and Eastern-Western fused beverages and foods. It began by targeting white-collar workers who were fascinated by the Western culture. Tracing back to the Victorian era in England, when the advent of ice making technology, the British afternoon tea culture, and coffee shops have spread to HK. The HK-style ice room imitates the high-end cafe in the western restaurant. They have been widely known since the 1940s, and the 50-60s were the flourishing age of Bing Sutt.
In the early days of British-HK, Western style meals can only be tasted in high-end Western-style restaurants and the price was not affordable for ordinary civilians. Until the Second World War, the public's curiosity about Western-style food led to the emergence of "Bing Sutt" in the early 1940s, creating a series of fusion food & beverages that fit the locals’ appetite, acting as cheaper alternatives to western-style food. Bing Sutt is named when the average family cannot afford to pay for an air conditioner or refrigerator.
To be continued…🔔
📸: @mr_nkf