好的咖啡或茶不僅只著重質素,還有氣氛和環境! ☕️ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere!
「鴛鴦」由建築設計公司 Building Narrative 出版的書。他們希望透過故事陳述與設計構想角度去介紹香港的茶舍與咖啡廳。雖然茶餐廳向來「快、靚、正」的賣點,一直都穩固地作為香港人用餐的首選,但新式的茶舍與咖啡廳不僅僅是提供飲食的地方,而成為了我們新的社區休憩空間。作者希望透過這本書讓讀者認識每個茶舍與咖啡廳經營者的理念其實構成了一個新的社區休憩網絡。致建築師、設計師、香港人:讓我們感受這一波茶舍與咖啡廳的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! 請稍移玉步先去看看他們的IG,「鴛鴦」的實體書很快就會面世!
‘’ Yin Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book to illustrates and presents tea house and cafes in Hong Kong through story-telling and from a design perspective. While cha chaan tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that go well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that become the new amenities of our local communities and play a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing.
For the owners of the coffee shops and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have together created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. This is not only a book for architects and designers; it is a present for all HKers who have immersed themselves in this new wave of coffee and tea culture, and who totally enjoy it. As starter, enjoy their Instagram introduction of each tea house or café! The book will be released very soon!