🗣「過去1年《我港Kongcept》得到6.5k friends,多謝各位志同道合嘅朋友。」
🇭🇰Kongcept must go on,希望這個page 能助你認識更多我們的家,留意更多你日常生活中,種種的「習以為常」。我們期盼Kongcept能繼續蔓延出去,吸引到更多不同範疇的朋友。
🔥今天,我港預備好踏出第二步,進軍更多元的創作媒介。我港與一位本地作詞人組成「文化x音樂」的創作團隊,創作一系列的香港文化和音樂作品,展開新的Kongcept樂章。是次計畫和團隊等更多資訊將陸續發佈,請拭目以待... 去 @kongcept852 開定通知🔔!🎶首個音樂作品將於8月面世,今次有幸邀請到志同道合的一位樂壇Young Blood合作,以80、90年代佔據了香港大街小巷,抬頭總會看到的「霓虹燈」作主題。在未來的數星期,我們將會由淺入深去認識霓虹燈,認識香港的生存印記。
🗣 “Our greatest gratitude to our companions, 6.5k of you.”
The Kongcept must go on, I wish this page has been helpful to you on the journey of discovering the kongcept within this city and yourself.
IG is our Phase 1, the easiest channel to deliver you the taste and information of HK culture, both traditional and modern. In the journey, we were once invited to a podcast, led a local tour, participated in heritage preservation projects, and talked with different people who loves HK.
In Phase 2, we will expand to other platforms and acquire new tools to enlighten you with a more diversified and authentic HK experience - Music. 《我港 Kongcept》grouped up with a local lyricist to create a series of “Kongceptual” content and Pop Music. The first product will be announced this month, in collaboration with a “Young Blood” HK singer, we will walk into the story of the best Neon Light realm - Hong Kong.
Please stay tuned and turn on the notification🔔, share @kongcept852 to your friend...