🌱種出霓虹燈的土壤 - 「綜合用途建築物」/
五十年代的城市肌理,正是霓虹燈生長的土壤。早在轉角唐樓的介紹裡有提過[註1],五十年代的政府為了回應戰後的人口膨脹和經濟復甦,修改了《建築物條例》,城市出現了大量「綜合用途建築物」,像彌敦道兩側盛放著霓虹燈的便是「商住兼容」的大廈群。當時政府並沒有刻意規管霓虹燈牌的大小、形狀和高度。七、八十年代經濟起飛之時,商家爭艷鬥麗,務求將街上的行人帶到自己的樓上舖。加上香港獨有的樓高街窄,才成就了其人人皆曉的霓虹場景 - 繁華盛世。
💭你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?#KongceptualPop :
🎶牽掛這窄牆 牽掛這馬路 牽掛這漂亮🎶
🎶開遍這細巷 開遍這市面 開遍這世上🎶
🎶籠罩晚空內 每一道 狹縫🎶
🎶填滿記憶內 每分鬧~鬨🎶
我港專訪 Kongcept Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szt7aHsWREY
Composite Building acted as the soil for breeding neon light/
The urban fabric in the 1950s formed the soil where neon light grew. As mentioned in the introduction of the Corner Tong Lau [Note 1], in the 1950s, the government revised the "Building Regulations", and a large number of "Composite Building" emerged in the city. Neon signages on both sides of Nathan Road are on buildings compatible with commercial and residential purposes. At that time, the government did not deliberately regulate neon signs' size, shape and height. Then, when the economy took off in the 1970-80s, the street was like having a beauty contest; gorgeous signages were installed to bring pedestrians upstairs. Then became the famous HK neon scene, with large volume&density.
The detach between commercial and residential space/
However, as the urban development from the 1970s was dominated by new towns, where residential and commercial spaces were separate, and the commercial spaces of large housing estates and pedestals are scattered in the city. Also, the priority of road planning and the increase in residential density have reduced the number of streets and replaced them with advertising surfaces on the facades of shopping malls. As a result, neon lights have lost their soil and are seeking a wonderland.