December 21, 2020





The possible future of red minibus/

It can be seen that the number of red minibus is decreasing day by day, people in the industry even think that it may disappear in Hong Kong in the foreseeable future. With the development of new transportation, the role of red minibus is becoming less important. For example, after the MTR Hong Kong Island line extended to Kennedy Town and started South Island Line, numerous relevant red minibus routes are eliminated at a time. And after the full opening of the Sha Tin-Central Line, the industry will face another wave of elimination.Under different restrictions, the operation of red minibus is veering more difficult. In fact, if the government can review and relax the restrictions on red minibuses, there must be room and value for it survive. For instance, in late night, main public transportation in new towns are suspended and residents can only hop on the only available bus route which has a longer than usual journey and travel time or forced to take taxi instead. If the red minibus is allowed to respond to those needs, the route will be more direct and the cost will be far less than that taxi. It is understandable to eliminate red minibus from the highway due to heavy load during the daytime. However, at midnight, the traffic pressure drops and they can be opened for use. 🏎Example: Travel time of a red minibus from Mong Kok to Sai Kung takes 25-30 minutes. But takes more than an hour when by bus. If the Hong Kong government fails to take full advantage of the flexibility of red minibuses, they will no longer sustain their business.

#我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 霓虹燈是如何運作的?需要電嗎?需要火嗎?電離? 讓我們一起認識它魅力的根源!⚡️ 「電離」的原理! / 如想製作霓虹燈管,你首先需要一條封閉的玻璃管,將兩端接駁電極和發熱線,注入不能缺少的主角 - 「惰性氣體」。準備就緒後,發動電源將發熱線通電,管中的氣體隨即產生「電離」~~~意思是高壓電流令管中的氣體能量提升,氣體以光線形式釋放儲存的不穩定氣體,發出我們熟悉的「霓虹光」。 相反,鎢絲燈需要達到高溫才能發光,所以我們靠近鎢絲燈時會感受到其熱力,你也會想像到大量的電能化成熱力流失於空氣中,你的電費也一樣下場。霓虹燈同時又被稱為「冷光管」,盡管閃亮著,保持你也能夠安心用手觸碰它的溫度,當然不同顏色的霓虹燈有着輕微的溫差。 你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?你心目中又有怎樣的聯想?喜歡王家衛的顏色藝術嗎? #KongceptualPop : 🎶血色幻燈泛起了千滴 渴望🎶 🎶翠色幻燈種出妄想和 荒唐🎶 🎶冷色幻燈引起了當日 百態怒放🎶 🎶暖色幻燈照出曠世鋒芒 光芒🎶 霓虹燈的個性: 形狀x顏色/ 霓虹燈的個性相信是來自它的形狀與顏色。如果你有發現,我們在《霓虹叢林》的歌詞裏有提到「血色、翠色、冷色、暖色幻燈」。不同顏色的霓虹燈是透過各種惰性氣體所產生的不同能量而演化而成。有趣的是,由於惰性氣體的能量會影響光線亮度,導致光線不足。例如較弱的「氬氣」,為了增加其紫外光度,製作時通常都會在玻璃管內加上「水銀」,若再將管塗上螢光劑,管內發出的紫外光就能夠化成我們肉眼所見的柔和藍色。日常中最常見的霓虹燈顏色則由氫(紅色)、氦(粉紅色)、二氧化碳(白色)、汞蒸氣(藍色)等氣體亮起。霓虹燈使用的玻璃管可以透過燒製彎曲成多樣的形狀,令創作的成品具有極大的靈活性,成為了「港式字體」的最佳拍檔。再加上一支質量合格的霓虹燈擁有20,000 - 30,000小時的壽命,即若三到五年,令它成為八、九十年代户外亮化燈制或招牌的最佳選擇。 -----《懷舊時光》JUSTIN WONG SOLO PHOTO EXHIBITION ----- 展覽將轉瞬即逝的瞬間描繪成電影般的場景,不論以數碼或菲林都能表達出每張照片背後故事的最深刻意義。Justin透過近期的作品試圖喚起我人們意識到招牌等香港傳統文化和價值的存在。 地點: 新城市廣場一期 250A鋪 - Shout Art Hub & Gallery 日期: 18/1/-18/2/2022 時間: 11:00-21:00 ——— The principle of ``ionization''! / If you want to make a neon tube, you first need a closed glass tube, and it needs to be connected with electrodes and heating wires at both ends. Of course, the protagonist-inert gas is indispensable in the glass tube.Turning on the power to energize the heating wire, the gas in the tube will be "ionized" immediately! The high-voltage current increases the energy of the gas in the tube, and the gas releases the stored unstable gas in the form of light, which is the neon light we are familiar with. What forms a perfect neon light? shape x color/ Common neon colours are formed by gases such as hydrogen (red), helium (pink), carbon dioxide (white), mercury vapor (blue), etc. In addition, a qualified neon lamp has a lifespan of 20,000-30,000 hours, which is approx. 3 to 5 years, that’s the reason it became the best choice for outdoor lighting systems or signs in the 1980s and 1990s.
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🌱種出霓虹燈的土壤 - 「綜合用途建築物」/ 五十年代的城市肌理,正是霓虹燈生長的土壤。早在轉角唐樓的介紹裡有提過[註1],五十年代的政府為了回應戰後的人口膨脹和經濟復甦,修改了《建築物條例》,城市出現了大量「綜合用途建築物」,像彌敦道兩側盛放著霓虹燈的便是「商住兼容」的大廈群。當時政府並沒有刻意規管霓虹燈牌的大小、形狀和高度。七、八十年代經濟起飛之時,商家爭艷鬥麗,務求將街上的行人帶到自己的樓上舖。加上香港獨有的樓高街窄,才成就了其人人皆曉的霓虹場景 - 繁華盛世。 💭你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?#KongceptualPop : 🎶牽掛這窄牆 牽掛這馬路 牽掛這漂亮🎶 🎶開遍這細巷 開遍這市面 開遍這世上🎶 🎶籠罩晚空內 每一道 狹縫🎶 🎶填滿記憶內 每分鬧~鬨🎶 🆕新市鎮:住宅與商業空間的分離/ 但隨著七八十年代後的城市發展以新市鎮為主,住宅與商業空間都清晰地分隔開,一個個大型屋苑與底座的商業空間分散於城市各處。加上以馬路優先規劃和住宅密度增加,街道減少了,取而代之是商場外牆的廣告面,霓虹燈失去所需的土壤,同時候政府設立了不同的條例和計劃(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等),清拆違例招牌同時,所有新建的招牌進出受更嚴格的監管。霓虹燈牌逐漸成為「舊區」的景象,卻未能遷移到新市鎮裡繼續繁殖。 Composite Building acted as the soil for breeding neon light/ The urban fabric in the 1950s formed the soil where neon light grew. As mentioned in the introduction of the Corner Tong Lau [Note 1], in the 1950s, the government revised the "Building Regulations", and a large number of "Composite Building" emerged in the city. Neon signages on both sides of Nathan Road are on buildings compatible with commercial and residential purposes. At that time, the government did not deliberately regulate neon signs' size, shape and height. Then, when the economy took off in the 1970-80s, the street was like having a beauty contest; gorgeous signages were installed to bring pedestrians upstairs. Then became the famous HK neon scene, with large volume&density. The detach between commercial and residential space/ However, as the urban development from the 1970s was dominated by new towns, where residential and commercial spaces were separate, and the commercial spaces of large housing estates and pedestals are scattered in the city. Also, the priority of road planning and the increase in residential density have reduced the number of streets and replaced them with advertising surfaces on the facades of shopping malls. As a result, neon lights have lost their soil and are seeking a wonderland. #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #kongceptualpop #project_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlights
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Countdown2️⃣ 發展和傳承之間🔨 Between Development and Preservation 香港,短短幾十年,由一個小魚村發展成為今日的國際金融中心。不能不提的是,各種行業的興旺和發展都是孕育出今日香港的重要一環。可惜的是,營運成本、產品需要、經濟回報等種種困難,許多昔日的香港傳統行業變得不合時宜,漸漸淡出大眾視野。然而,現時本地的傳統工藝行業並非完全消失,它們只是在經歷輝煌之後,退居二線。事實上,有些工藝師仍然默默耕耘地繼續傳統工藝製作。我們希望通過介紹他們的故事,了解他們的價值並討論如何能夠在社會發展和傳統手藝的保育和傳承間取之平衡。 _______________________________________________________ Hong Kong, in just a few decades, has developed from a small fish village to today's international financial centre. There is no doubt that the prosperity and development of various industries play an important role to the Hong Kong we know nowadays. It is a pity that with various difficulties such as operating costs, product requirements and economic returns, many traditional Hong Kong industries in the past have become untimely and gradually fade. However, some of the local traditional craft industries have not completely disappeared, they just retreated to the second line after experiencing glory. In fact, some craftsmen still work silently to continue their traditional craftsmanship. We hope to introduce their stories, understand their value and discuss how to balance social development and the preservation and inheritance of these traditional craftsmanship. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #kongcept #藝術品 #香港工藝 #生活節奏 #香港日常 #hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #neonlights #taxi #ฮ่องกง #hkspirit #hongkongneedshelp #hongkonger #hkig #insidehongkong #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #oldhongkong #awesomehongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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被掣肘的霓虹燈- 「條例和計畫」 除了城市發展模式的改變,政府也因樓宇結構安全問題而增加對霓虹招牌的管制,加劇了它的消失速度。 2013年9月2日,屋宇處增設了自願性「檢核計劃」,潛在風險較低並在當天前所建成的霓虹燈招牌,招牌的擁有人可參與將其保留。計劃會安排建築專業人士或註冊承建商會對有關招牌進行檢查、鞏固(如有需要)及向屋宇署核證其安全。通過檢核的招牌可保留5年,屋宇署暫不會干預已通過檢核的招牌。 事實上,這個做法只是政府的「通容」,由於那些招牌在相關的街道條例出現前已經出現,即使檢核後確保安全,仍然有違現時的建築工程條例。一但五年後,招牌必須重新進「檢核」或被拆除,以確保安全的結構。不少招牌擁有人為避免反覆的程序而選擇拆除。諷刺的是,政府屋宇署網站指出:「大部份現存違例招牌的存在確實對香港繁榮有一定價值。」但除了把霓虹招牌列入為違例招牌,就沒有其他方案處理? 在《我港專訪》中,劉師傅說到:「香港係拆得太誇張,條街好似原本一個smokey eyes孔妝,突然間變咗素顏咁啊。」,此段亦成了《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞 #KongceptualPop : 🎶假使卸下濃艷晚妝,通通都脫下,惟恐那色與慾無餘地再幻~化🎶 因時代而去 因時代而去/ 上一個時代的香港經濟蓬勃與政府對於霓虹燈牌的監管相對寬鬆,孕育了香港成為經典的霓虹燈街道畫面。輝煌時代過去,政府對招牌的規管也變得更加嚴厲,即使增設一個小型招牌也需提交多份文件和圖則,例如現在的招牌對面積和安裝地方都有複習的規限。加上LED 的出現,即使商戶們安裝一些戶外招牌都會因成本較便宜、維修等原因而選擇LED。種種原因導致今天霓虹燈絕跡,我們為霓虹燈與時代扣上不能分割的關係,但究竟霓虹燈能否在這時代中找到生存之道?(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等) Neon SIgnature - What is left?/ Signature owners are encouraged to join the Validation Scheme implemented by the Building Department since 2013, owners are required to appoint the prescribed building professionals or contractors to inspect, strengthen (if required) and certify the structural safety of the existing billboards that already existed before 2 September 2013. Even if the inspection is done, the safety check is still required to be carried out again every 5 years or the signature should be removed. The 5 years can be viewed as temporary permission, as most of the signature do not fit with the current regulations, they are still illegal technically. It is interesting that the website of the Building Department states that “many of the existing unauthorised signboards…...carries notable value for sustaining local commercial activities and contributing to Hong Kong’s prosperity”. So, are there any better regulations that the government can think of to preserve the neon billboards and ensure the persistent building safety problem? 🔔follow 《我港 Kongcept》IG/FB @kongcept852 🔗 https://linktr.ee/kongcept852 🔗 ➵Youtube 訪問片/未來大製作 ➵Instagram 最多內容 ➵Facebook 分享貼文,與長輩討論香港文化 #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlight #招牌 #霓虹叢林 #kongceptualpop
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【1/8工藝精神:一代宗師也難逃行業的式微 @kongcept852】 關於 #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 💬//香港工藝事業享負勝銘,”MADE IN HONG KONG” 一詞對世界顧客都有信心保證。可惜隨著科技進步,經濟發展等等因素,不少工藝已經式微。我講工藝希望與大家分享一些僅存的工藝,好讓更多一起欣賞和記得種種的工藝精神!// 手寫小巴膠牌/ 記得嗎?我們2020年尾介紹過香港小巴的歷史和文化,如果忘記了或未閱讀可以先看回!而今日會延伸介紹一種香港獨有的傳統工藝,見證著小巴這幾十年時光的藝術。走到旺角先達廣場附近便容易看到一排又一排的小巴在等候乘客,但我們怎樣分辨小巴s的目的地和收費呢? 線索就放在擋風玻璃上,那又紅又藍的白膠牌。 最後一位工藝師/ 每輛紅色小巴上都總會有幾塊小巴膠牌。現時小巴牌都是出自於同一位工藝師,麥錦生師傅。因為他已經是香港最後一位手寫小巴膠牌的工藝師。由於紅色小巴並沒有固定路線和收費,司機隨意更換小巴膠牌。而最為人熟悉定必是紅白藍三色的繁體字和價錢。別小看這一塊小膠片,原來當中大有學問⋯字的顏色方面,行內規定途經的地方是藍色、終點是紅色。例如圖1,就是途徑九龍城,前往黃大仙的小巴。而膠板也有學問,必須先用酒清消毒,逐一擦拭乾淨,因為若有靜電,會令油墨化開干擾筆跡。 繁體字的堅持與獨有字型/ 麥師傅的獨特字型也申請了專利。早期用毛筆沾油漆,字體夠大夠明顯就足夠。而油漆的濃稠度也非常講究,太稠的話字體會起泡,太稀的話字體會缺色。現今更要加上英文字。多年來,麥師傅都堅持使用繁體字,這才真正代表中文字。簡體字就像切開了一樣,缺乏了字體當中的意義。除了有一個字就是觀塘,麥師傅會寫做「官塘」,這是小巴司機要求,因為「觀」太多筆畫,遠處未必能夠清晰看見。 Hand-painted minibus plastic signs/ Do you still remember that we mentioned Hong Kong minibus history and culture earlier. So, what makes the passengers get the right minibus to their destination and charge? All these rely on the red and blue plastic signs on the windshield, a unique traditional craftsmanship in Hong Kong that has witnessed the past decades of minibuses. The only ONE craftsman left in HK/ Nowadays, most of the minibus signs used in red minibuses are from the same person, Master Mak Kam Sang. He is the last craftsman in Hong Kong to create hand-painted minibus plastic sign. This simple sign also takes a lot of learning. In terms of colour, there are regulations in the industry. Blue words indicate the place that would pass by, red words indicate the final destination. Insistence on using of Traditional characters and fonts/ Master Mai's unique font has even applied for a patent. For many years, Master Mai insisted on using traditional Chinese words to truly represent Chinese characters. Except for a special word, Kwun Tong, Master Mak would write "Kwun” (觀)into another word (官)which has the same pronunciation. That was required by the minibus drivers because there are too many strokes and may not be clearly visible from a distance on road.
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🚍🚌🚦小巴不只是一種交通工具,更是一種香港獨有的歷史和情懷,你對它又有甚麼認識? Minibus is not simply a public transport, it is the history and value of HK... 紅和綠/ 除了香港運輸處所設立的禁區外,紅色小巴基本上能在沒有固定路線、班次和票價的情況下前往香港所有地區。紅色小巴司機就像的士司機一樣工作,也是自僱人士。到了1974年香港政府建立了綠色專線小巴系統。綠色小巴有適當的時間表,固定的票價和指定的站點。毫無疑問,它對部份少乘搭小巴的乘客變得更方便。現今綠色小巴大都有特許經營權,例如有不少綠色專營小巴路線是由上市的AMS公共交通擁有,它更是香港唯一營業小巴生意至上市的公司。 總有你專屬的小巴路線/ 小巴不僅見證著香港歷史,而且對香港市民也具有一定價值。有別於視私家車為日常必需品的國家,由於香港土地有限和人口密度高,香港人主要依靠公共交通工具。小巴由於體積小、班次頻密和多而提供了更快,更高效的運輸解決方案。事實上,我自己也是每天需要乘搭小巴出入的一群。這無疑證明了小巴是具有最高性價比並在香港有極高需要的交通工具,上山過海無難度! Red and Green Minibus/ Red Minibuses have non-scheduled services, they are free to operate anywhere, except prohibited areas set by the Transportation Department. And there is no control over routing, frequency and fares. All drivers are self-employed like taxi drivers. Meanwhile, the HK government established the Green Minibus System in 1974, minibuses with green roofs. Green Minibuses have proper schedules, fixed fares and designated stops. With no doubt, it is more manageable and user friendly, although you still need to raise your courage to shout out at the right timing, “Stop please!”. Chin up, and you are good to go. Green Minibuses today are operating as franchises controlled by different companies, for example, many are owned by the publicly listed AMS Public Transport (the only listed minibus company). Unlike Red Minibus drivers, Green Minibus drivers are company employees with fixed salaries. Your Personalised Route/ Minibus is not only a historical witness, it has a unique value for Hongkongers. Due to limited land and high population density in HK, owning a car is never a necessity and Hongkongers mainly rely on public transportation. Minibuses offer a faster and more efficient transportation solution with its small size, high frequency and diverse range of routes. To be precise, minibus drivers are always speedy and provide the highest cost-performance wise service among other HK transportation systems. 📷 @mr_nkf #我港 #kongcept #香港工藝 #香港精神 #生活節奏 #香港日常#hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #minibus #hkminibus #小巴
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🚍🚌🚦小巴不只是一種交通工具,更是一種香港獨有的歷史和情懷,你對它又有甚麼認識? Minibus is not simply a public transport, it is the history and value of HK... 紅和綠/ 除了香港運輸處所設立的禁區外,紅色小巴基本上能在沒有固定路線、班次和票價的情況下前往香港所有地區。紅色小巴司機就像的士司機一樣工作,也是自僱人士。到了1974年香港政府建立了綠色專線小巴系統。綠色小巴有適當的時間表,固定的票價和指定的站點。毫無疑問,它對部份少乘搭小巴的乘客變得更方便。現今綠色小巴大都有特許經營權,例如有不少綠色專營小巴路線是由上市的AMS公共交通擁有,它更是香港唯一營業小巴生意至上市的公司。 總有你專屬的小巴路線/ 小巴不僅見證著香港歷史,而且對香港市民也具有一定價值。有別於視私家車為日常必需品的國家,由於香港土地有限和人口密度高,香港人主要依靠公共交通工具。小巴由於體積小、班次頻密和多而提供了更快,更高效的運輸解決方案。事實上,我自己也是每天需要乘搭小巴出入的一群。這無疑證明了小巴是具有最高性價比並在香港有極高需要的交通工具,上山過海無難度! Red and Green Minibus/ Red Minibuses have non-scheduled services, they are free to operate anywhere, except prohibited areas set by the Transportation Department. And there is no control over routing, frequency and fares. All drivers are self-employed like taxi drivers. Meanwhile, the HK government established the Green Minibus System in 1974, minibuses with green roofs. Green Minibuses have proper schedules, fixed fares and designated stops. With no doubt, it is more manageable and user friendly, although you still need to raise your courage to shout out at the right timing, “Stop please!”. Chin up, and you are good to go. Green Minibuses today are operating as franchises controlled by different companies, for example, many are owned by the publicly listed AMS Public Transport (the only listed minibus company). Unlike Red Minibus drivers, Green Minibus drivers are company employees with fixed salaries. Your Personalised Route/ Minibus is not only a historical witness, it has a unique value for Hongkongers. Due to limited land and high population density in HK, owning a car is never a necessity and Hongkongers mainly rely on public transportation. Minibuses offer a faster and more efficient transportation solution with its small size, high frequency and diverse range of routes. To be precise, minibus drivers are always speedy and provide the highest cost-performance wise service among other HK transportation systems. 📷 @mr_nkf #我港 #kongcept #香港工藝 #香港精神 #生活節奏 #香港日常#hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #minibus #hkminibus #小巴
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被掣肘的霓虹燈- 「條例和計畫」 除了城市發展模式的改變,政府也因樓宇結構安全問題而增加對霓虹招牌的管制,加劇了它的消失速度。 2013年9月2日,屋宇處增設了自願性「檢核計劃」,潛在風險較低並在當天前所建成的霓虹燈招牌,招牌的擁有人可參與將其保留。計劃會安排建築專業人士或註冊承建商會對有關招牌進行檢查、鞏固(如有需要)及向屋宇署核證其安全。通過檢核的招牌可保留5年,屋宇署暫不會干預已通過檢核的招牌。 事實上,這個做法只是政府的「通容」,由於那些招牌在相關的街道條例出現前已經出現,即使檢核後確保安全,仍然有違現時的建築工程條例。一但五年後,招牌必須重新進「檢核」或被拆除,以確保安全的結構。不少招牌擁有人為避免反覆的程序而選擇拆除。諷刺的是,政府屋宇署網站指出:「大部份現存違例招牌的存在確實對香港繁榮有一定價值。」但除了把霓虹招牌列入為違例招牌,就沒有其他方案處理? 在《我港專訪》中,劉師傅說到:「香港係拆得太誇張,條街好似原本一個smokey eyes孔妝,突然間變咗素顏咁啊。」,此段亦成了《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞 #KongceptualPop : 🎶假使卸下濃艷晚妝,通通都脫下,惟恐那色與慾無餘地再幻~化🎶 因時代而去 因時代而去/ 上一個時代的香港經濟蓬勃與政府對於霓虹燈牌的監管相對寬鬆,孕育了香港成為經典的霓虹燈街道畫面。輝煌時代過去,政府對招牌的規管也變得更加嚴厲,即使增設一個小型招牌也需提交多份文件和圖則,例如現在的招牌對面積和安裝地方都有複習的規限。加上LED 的出現,即使商戶們安裝一些戶外招牌都會因成本較便宜、維修等原因而選擇LED。種種原因導致今天霓虹燈絕跡,我們為霓虹燈與時代扣上不能分割的關係,但究竟霓虹燈能否在這時代中找到生存之道?(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等) Neon SIgnature - What is left?/ Signature owners are encouraged to join the Validation Scheme implemented by the Building Department since 2013, owners are required to appoint the prescribed building professionals or contractors to inspect, strengthen (if required) and certify the structural safety of the existing billboards that already existed before 2 September 2013. Even if the inspection is done, the safety check is still required to be carried out again every 5 years or the signature should be removed. The 5 years can be viewed as temporary permission, as most of the signature do not fit with the current regulations, they are still illegal technically. It is interesting that the website of the Building Department states that “many of the existing unauthorised signboards…...carries notable value for sustaining local commercial activities and contributing to Hong Kong’s prosperity”. So, are there any better regulations that the government can think of to preserve the neon billboards and ensure the persistent building safety problem? 🔔follow 《我港 Kongcept》IG/FB @kongcept852 🔗 https://linktr.ee/kongcept852 🔗 ➵Youtube 訪問片/未來大製作 ➵Instagram 最多內容 ➵Facebook 分享貼文,與長輩討論香港文化 #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlight #招牌 #霓虹叢林 #kongceptualpop
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🌱種出霓虹燈的土壤 - 「綜合用途建築物」/ 五十年代的城市肌理,正是霓虹燈生長的土壤。早在轉角唐樓的介紹裡有提過[註1],五十年代的政府為了回應戰後的人口膨脹和經濟復甦,修改了《建築物條例》,城市出現了大量「綜合用途建築物」,像彌敦道兩側盛放著霓虹燈的便是「商住兼容」的大廈群。當時政府並沒有刻意規管霓虹燈牌的大小、形狀和高度。七、八十年代經濟起飛之時,商家爭艷鬥麗,務求將街上的行人帶到自己的樓上舖。加上香港獨有的樓高街窄,才成就了其人人皆曉的霓虹場景 - 繁華盛世。 💭你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?#KongceptualPop : 🎶牽掛這窄牆 牽掛這馬路 牽掛這漂亮🎶 🎶開遍這細巷 開遍這市面 開遍這世上🎶 🎶籠罩晚空內 每一道 狹縫🎶 🎶填滿記憶內 每分鬧~鬨🎶 🆕新市鎮:住宅與商業空間的分離/ 但隨著七八十年代後的城市發展以新市鎮為主,住宅與商業空間都清晰地分隔開,一個個大型屋苑與底座的商業空間分散於城市各處。加上以馬路優先規劃和住宅密度增加,街道減少了,取而代之是商場外牆的廣告面,霓虹燈失去所需的土壤,同時候政府設立了不同的條例和計劃(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等),清拆違例招牌同時,所有新建的招牌進出受更嚴格的監管。霓虹燈牌逐漸成為「舊區」的景象,卻未能遷移到新市鎮裡繼續繁殖。 Composite Building acted as the soil for breeding neon light/ The urban fabric in the 1950s formed the soil where neon light grew. As mentioned in the introduction of the Corner Tong Lau [Note 1], in the 1950s, the government revised the "Building Regulations", and a large number of "Composite Building" emerged in the city. Neon signages on both sides of Nathan Road are on buildings compatible with commercial and residential purposes. At that time, the government did not deliberately regulate neon signs' size, shape and height. Then, when the economy took off in the 1970-80s, the street was like having a beauty contest; gorgeous signages were installed to bring pedestrians upstairs. Then became the famous HK neon scene, with large volume&density. The detach between commercial and residential space/ However, as the urban development from the 1970s was dominated by new towns, where residential and commercial spaces were separate, and the commercial spaces of large housing estates and pedestals are scattered in the city. Also, the priority of road planning and the increase in residential density have reduced the number of streets and replaced them with advertising surfaces on the facades of shopping malls. As a result, neon lights have lost their soil and are seeking a wonderland. #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #kongceptualpop #project_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlights
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#我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 霓虹燈是如何運作的?需要電嗎?需要火嗎?電離? 讓我們一起認識它魅力的根源!⚡️ 「電離」的原理! / 如想製作霓虹燈管,你首先需要一條封閉的玻璃管,將兩端接駁電極和發熱線,注入不能缺少的主角 - 「惰性氣體」。準備就緒後,發動電源將發熱線通電,管中的氣體隨即產生「電離」~~~意思是高壓電流令管中的氣體能量提升,氣體以光線形式釋放儲存的不穩定氣體,發出我們熟悉的「霓虹光」。 相反,鎢絲燈需要達到高溫才能發光,所以我們靠近鎢絲燈時會感受到其熱力,你也會想像到大量的電能化成熱力流失於空氣中,你的電費也一樣下場。霓虹燈同時又被稱為「冷光管」,盡管閃亮著,保持你也能夠安心用手觸碰它的溫度,當然不同顏色的霓虹燈有着輕微的溫差。 你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?你心目中又有怎樣的聯想?喜歡王家衛的顏色藝術嗎? #KongceptualPop : 🎶血色幻燈泛起了千滴 渴望🎶 🎶翠色幻燈種出妄想和 荒唐🎶 🎶冷色幻燈引起了當日 百態怒放🎶 🎶暖色幻燈照出曠世鋒芒 光芒🎶 霓虹燈的個性: 形狀x顏色/ 霓虹燈的個性相信是來自它的形狀與顏色。如果你有發現,我們在《霓虹叢林》的歌詞裏有提到「血色、翠色、冷色、暖色幻燈」。不同顏色的霓虹燈是透過各種惰性氣體所產生的不同能量而演化而成。有趣的是,由於惰性氣體的能量會影響光線亮度,導致光線不足。例如較弱的「氬氣」,為了增加其紫外光度,製作時通常都會在玻璃管內加上「水銀」,若再將管塗上螢光劑,管內發出的紫外光就能夠化成我們肉眼所見的柔和藍色。日常中最常見的霓虹燈顏色則由氫(紅色)、氦(粉紅色)、二氧化碳(白色)、汞蒸氣(藍色)等氣體亮起。霓虹燈使用的玻璃管可以透過燒製彎曲成多樣的形狀,令創作的成品具有極大的靈活性,成為了「港式字體」的最佳拍檔。再加上一支質量合格的霓虹燈擁有20,000 - 30,000小時的壽命,即若三到五年,令它成為八、九十年代户外亮化燈制或招牌的最佳選擇。 -----《懷舊時光》JUSTIN WONG SOLO PHOTO EXHIBITION ----- 展覽將轉瞬即逝的瞬間描繪成電影般的場景,不論以數碼或菲林都能表達出每張照片背後故事的最深刻意義。Justin透過近期的作品試圖喚起我人們意識到招牌等香港傳統文化和價值的存在。 地點: 新城市廣場一期 250A鋪 - Shout Art Hub & Gallery 日期: 18/1/-18/2/2022 時間: 11:00-21:00 ——— The principle of ``ionization''! / If you want to make a neon tube, you first need a closed glass tube, and it needs to be connected with electrodes and heating wires at both ends. Of course, the protagonist-inert gas is indispensable in the glass tube.Turning on the power to energize the heating wire, the gas in the tube will be "ionized" immediately! The high-voltage current increases the energy of the gas in the tube, and the gas releases the stored unstable gas in the form of light, which is the neon light we are familiar with. What forms a perfect neon light? shape x color/ Common neon colours are formed by gases such as hydrogen (red), helium (pink), carbon dioxide (white), mercury vapor (blue), etc. In addition, a qualified neon lamp has a lifespan of 20,000-30,000 hours, which is approx. 3 to 5 years, that’s the reason it became the best choice for outdoor lighting systems or signs in the 1980s and 1990s.
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【1/8工藝精神:一代宗師也難逃行業的式微 @kongcept852】 關於 #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 💬//香港工藝事業享負勝銘,”MADE IN HONG KONG” 一詞對世界顧客都有信心保證。可惜隨著科技進步,經濟發展等等因素,不少工藝已經式微。我講工藝希望與大家分享一些僅存的工藝,好讓更多一起欣賞和記得種種的工藝精神!// 手寫小巴膠牌/ 記得嗎?我們2020年尾介紹過香港小巴的歷史和文化,如果忘記了或未閱讀可以先看回!而今日會延伸介紹一種香港獨有的傳統工藝,見證著小巴這幾十年時光的藝術。走到旺角先達廣場附近便容易看到一排又一排的小巴在等候乘客,但我們怎樣分辨小巴s的目的地和收費呢? 線索就放在擋風玻璃上,那又紅又藍的白膠牌。 最後一位工藝師/ 每輛紅色小巴上都總會有幾塊小巴膠牌。現時小巴牌都是出自於同一位工藝師,麥錦生師傅。因為他已經是香港最後一位手寫小巴膠牌的工藝師。由於紅色小巴並沒有固定路線和收費,司機隨意更換小巴膠牌。而最為人熟悉定必是紅白藍三色的繁體字和價錢。別小看這一塊小膠片,原來當中大有學問⋯字的顏色方面,行內規定途經的地方是藍色、終點是紅色。例如圖1,就是途徑九龍城,前往黃大仙的小巴。而膠板也有學問,必須先用酒清消毒,逐一擦拭乾淨,因為若有靜電,會令油墨化開干擾筆跡。 繁體字的堅持與獨有字型/ 麥師傅的獨特字型也申請了專利。早期用毛筆沾油漆,字體夠大夠明顯就足夠。而油漆的濃稠度也非常講究,太稠的話字體會起泡,太稀的話字體會缺色。現今更要加上英文字。多年來,麥師傅都堅持使用繁體字,這才真正代表中文字。簡體字就像切開了一樣,缺乏了字體當中的意義。除了有一個字就是觀塘,麥師傅會寫做「官塘」,這是小巴司機要求,因為「觀」太多筆畫,遠處未必能夠清晰看見。 Hand-painted minibus plastic signs/ Do you still remember that we mentioned Hong Kong minibus history and culture earlier. So, what makes the passengers get the right minibus to their destination and charge? All these rely on the red and blue plastic signs on the windshield, a unique traditional craftsmanship in Hong Kong that has witnessed the past decades of minibuses. The only ONE craftsman left in HK/ Nowadays, most of the minibus signs used in red minibuses are from the same person, Master Mak Kam Sang. He is the last craftsman in Hong Kong to create hand-painted minibus plastic sign. This simple sign also takes a lot of learning. In terms of colour, there are regulations in the industry. Blue words indicate the place that would pass by, red words indicate the final destination. Insistence on using of Traditional characters and fonts/ Master Mai's unique font has even applied for a patent. For many years, Master Mai insisted on using traditional Chinese words to truly represent Chinese characters. Except for a special word, Kwun Tong, Master Mak would write "Kwun” (觀)into another word (官)which has the same pronunciation. That was required by the minibus drivers because there are too many strokes and may not be clearly visible from a distance on road.
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究竟紅Van這個行業何去何從?變成過去成為歷史📜,還是具有香港特色延續下去?🚌 紅色小巴的(可見)將來/ 紅色小巴數量日益減少,行內人士更認為不久將來有機會在香港消失。隨著新型交通的發展,紅色小巴的角色越來越不重要。例如港鐵港島延伸至西環及南港島線開通後,相關路線和數以百計的紅色小巴一次性被淘汰了。預計未來沙中線全面開通後,業界又會面臨另一次淘汰潮。重重的限制令紅色小巴營運困難。事實上,政府如果能夠檢討和放寬對紅色小巴的限制,他們是有生存空間和價值。例如許多新市鎮到了深夜,主要公共交通停運,居民只能選擇繞路比較遠的巴士,或者被迫乘搭的士,如果是允許紅色小巴提供服務,路線會較直接,費用也一定比的士平。另外高速公路在日間負荷較重,禁止紅色小巴駛入,這是能夠理解的,但是到深夜,交通壓力下降,應該開放予他們使用。 🏎例子:旺角來往西貢的路線,紅色小巴只需要大概25-30分鐘的車程,相反巴士所需時間會多出一倍甚至更多。 如果香港政府未能夠充分利用小巴彈性服務優勢,這只會導致他們最後無法經營。對他們來說,唯一的出路就是將所有紅色小巴變成專營路線的綠色小巴,這同時意味着紅色小巴將會在香港永久消失。 The possible future of red minibus/ It can be seen that the number of red minibus is decreasing day by day, people in the industry even think that it may disappear in Hong Kong in the foreseeable future. With the development of new transportation, the role of red minibus is becoming less important. For example, after the MTR Hong Kong Island line extended to Kennedy Town and started South Island Line, numerous relevant red minibus routes are eliminated at a time. And after the full opening of the Sha Tin-Central Line, the industry will face another wave of elimination. Under different restrictions, the operation of red minibus is veering more difficult. In fact, if the government can review and relax the restrictions on red minibuses, there must be room and value for it survive. For instance, in late night, main public transportation in new towns are suspended and residents can only hop on the only available bus route which has a longer than usual journey and travel time or forced to take taxi instead. If the red minibus is allowed to respond to those needs, the route will be more direct and the cost will be far less than that taxi. It is understandable to eliminate red minibus from the highway due to heavy load during the daytime. However, at midnight, the traffic pressure drops and they can be opened for use. 🏎Example: Travel time of a red minibus from Mong Kok to Sai Kung takes 25-30 minutes. But takes more than an hour when by bus. If the Hong Kong government fails to take full advantage of the flexibility of red minibuses, they will no longer sustain their business. #紅van #minibus
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