被掣肘的霓虹燈- 「條例和計畫」
在《我港專訪》中,劉師傅說到:「香港係拆得太誇張,條街好似原本一個smokey eyes孔妝,突然間變咗素顏咁啊。」,此段亦成了《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞 #KongceptualPop :
因時代而去 因時代而去/
上一個時代的香港經濟蓬勃與政府對於霓虹燈牌的監管相對寬鬆,孕育了香港成為經典的霓虹燈街道畫面。輝煌時代過去,政府對招牌的規管也變得更加嚴厲,即使增設一個小型招牌也需提交多份文件和圖則,例如現在的招牌對面積和安裝地方都有複習的規限。加上LED 的出現,即使商戶們安裝一些戶外招牌都會因成本較便宜、維修等原因而選擇LED。種種原因導致今天霓虹燈絕跡,我們為霓虹燈與時代扣上不能分割的關係,但究竟霓虹燈能否在這時代中找到生存之道?(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等)
Neon SIgnature - What is left?/
Signature owners are encouraged to join the Validation Scheme implemented by the Building Department since 2013, owners are required to appoint the prescribed building professionals or contractors to inspect, strengthen (if required) and certify the structural safety of the existing billboards that already existed before 2 September 2013. Even if the inspection is done, the safety check is still required to be carried out again every 5 years or the signature should be removed. The 5 years can be viewed as temporary permission, as most of the signature do not fit with the current regulations, they are still illegal technically. It is interesting that the website of the Building Department states that “many of the existing unauthorised signboards…...carries notable value for sustaining local commercial activities and contributing to Hong Kong’s prosperity”. So, are there any better regulations that the government can think of to preserve the neon billboards and ensure the persistent building safety problem?
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