大牌檔的原型可以追溯到二次大戰後,港英政府設立的小販牌照。於1921年,小販分成俗稱大牌的固定小販牌照 和小牌的流動小販牌照(e.g.炒栗子🌰)兩種牌照。直至1950,由於戰後的香港處於百廢待興的狀態加上大批難民從中國大陸湧入,居民生活十分艱難,因優先考慮經濟困難和老弱的人士,港英政府將牌照二合為一並發放出去,為低下層其提供一個謀生的機會。由於牌照費不高和經營成本輕,大牌檔價廉物美的食物深受普羅大眾歡迎。但是1970年代香港經濟起飛和快餐文化(1968年的大家樂/1978麥當勞)興起,加上政府希望整頓市容而加強對大牌檔的經營限制,令大牌檔面臨危機。
於1972年,政府停止發牌,所有牌照持有者需要集中經營,如遷入「熟食中心」,不願意搬遷者則可交還牌照,並領取約六萬元的金額補償。同樣在1970年代初,政府推行了十年建屋計劃,為滿足居民日常生活所需,俗稱「冬菇亭」的熟食舖位伴隨公營房屋應運而生。由於大部分面積小的冬菇亭都喜歡往外搭建帆布帳篷以便擺放更多檯凳招待客人,令其外觀如同大牌檔。由於以上兩者與大牌檔有相似的經營模式,在現今世代亦會被稱為大牌檔。 直至2009年,政府才實施大牌檔保育計劃,為大牌檔建設排污渠及煤氣管,並且協助破舊的大牌檔進行翻新工程。此外,大牌檔牌照亦可以傳給牌主配偶和直系親屬。2015年,當局檢討在滿足環境衛生、污水排放及座位劃分等條件下,解凍已停止多年的大牌檔新牌照發放,在有附加條件下發出新牌照,同時亦研究放寬現有大牌檔牌照的繼承條件,可由直系家庭成員繼承牌照。大牌檔有以上變奏/保育,但我港認爲都未能充分體現大牌檔的神韻...大牌檔的最大特色是其環境,能感受街道上的各種不確定因素,在香港這個發達城市中,那份對比感更具風味。
The Intangible Culture - HKers’ Treasure/Dai Pai Dong serves you with the most authentic and free eating environment in HK, . In 1950 post-war, Hong Kong was in a state of desperation, and with the large influx of refugees from mainland China, the residents in HK were having a tough time. The British-HK government prioritised the ease on elderly and people who can barely make a living. overnment issued a license that allows food stalls to be operated in public space. It provided a chance for the lower class to earn a living. In the 1970s, HK economy rocketed, fast-food culture entered HK and the government began to tighten the restrictions and even stopped issuing licenses in 1972. Stalls are required to concentrate into a cooked food centre(operating like an ordinary restaurant), or they will need to return the license and receive a compensation of about 60,000HKD. Meanwhile, the government implemented a ten-year housing construction plan. To meet residents' daily needs, cooked food stalls commonly known as Mushroom Pavilions came fundamentally with public housing and replacing Dai Pai Dong. In 2015, the license issuance finally unfrozen but its potential value is yet to be well exerted.