《香港霓虹燈 - 序》
🇭🇰香港時與霓虹燈扯上關係,被稱為霓虹之城?霓虹燈是香港街道文化的核心,象徵了香港8、90年代的輝煌。在《傾城》一曲中,「傳說中癡心的眼淚會傾城 霓虹熄了世界漸冷清」,霓虹熄滅象徵傾覆的城市;在西九M+博物館,霓虹燈是一項重點專題;在世界的電影裏,香港霓虹燈是一名常客;於《Kongceptual Pop 通俗文化x流行樂章》計畫,霓虹燈是第一個題材!
⚠️情報 |歌名 |《霓虹叢林》⚠️ @lagchun @yungsiuting
在往後發佈的文章、影片、歌曲, 將會帶領大家繼續探索霓虹燈與香港,歷史、現況、原理、未來等等...續....
仲有!多謝 @kowloneon 提供關於霓虹燈嘅資訊
Aric Chen陳伯康(Curator, Design and Architecture, M+設計及建築主策展人):
「Neon signs are everywhere but things that we maybe we don’t pay attention to sometimes, because of their ubiquity, because we are used to them. But if you take a closer look, you see them as a very compelling example of things that were crafted and designed for a certain way for a certain “reason”. And it has been used by artists, film-makers and so on as emblems of the city.」
Hong Kong was known as a Neon City, neon light was the core of HK's street culture and symbolises the glorious era, 80/90s, of HK. For foreigners, the beauty of HK neon light is captured in many movies e.g. the neon-lit street scenes in “Blade Runner”. And it is the first topic of our latest music project - 《Kongceptual Pop 通俗文化x流行樂章》.
⚠️Song Name: 《Neon Jungle》
What Neon Light means to Hongkongers? Be frank, If you are born in the 90/00s, you may not have a strong attachment and feelings for neon light, or you may ask: "There are very few neon signs left, why should I care about it when even the glory of HK is dimming?". People in HK have been exploring their own identity: “Am I the citizen of the global village or a Hongkonger who embraces HK culture?” If it is the latter, how should they trace back/determine the life story of HK? Neon Signs represented an era of HK. Then, each of us shall light up our own neon light and create the era of our time.
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