恆安商場坐落於屋邨中心的商業建築。 邨內的樓梯和電梯連接著平台,覆蓋範圍之大與「平台型」商場類近。 入邨的過程中,我起初已被三角頂的深啡色天橋和樓梯所吸晴,穿過平台落到地面看看整座建築,延伸的平台篷頂連接著商場、街市和公園,橫向而厚實外牆的三角形邊界不斷交錯,配合外露的綠化景觀,讓你彷彿置身於愛麗絲夢遊仙境的場景。領展可能也看中這一點,將街市翻新成鄉村田園風,那當然沒有屯門安定街市的扭曲外牆那麼誇張! 而有趣的是三角形邊界交錯的背後卻是十分空擴的商場中庭,十分罕見的坡道設計圍繞著整個中庭。而底層的夾層平台,既可以是表演舞台,又引導你搭上不停旋轉的坡道。位於坡道的每個商鋪都不同高度,與旺角朗豪坊上層設計有些許類似。可惜的是新建的扶手電梯取代了慢步坡道的體驗。
地區: 馬鞍山
建造年份: 1987
建築類型: 中庭式
樓層: 5
持有公司: 領展
Passing through the scene of Alice in Wonderland!
Heng On Shopping Centre is a commercial block located at the centre of the estate. The podium level stretches and connects across the estate. The canopy extended from the escalator entrance plays as the transactional space between the commercial component, the market and the open space at ground. The floor slab and the balustrade formed multiple triangular planes crossing the entire block. It creates contrasting visual influences between the inside and outside. The visibility from outside is less conspicuous, but that from inside is surprisedly open. The ramping system and the elevated stage space stimulate a continuous walkable journey from the podium to the top. However, a new escalator system has been added nearby the entrance that draw circulation flows into the escalators instead of the ramp.
District: Ma On Shan
Year: 1987
Typology: Atrium
Floor: 5
Ownership: LINK Reit