啟業邨的規劃是將社區及商業空間都佈置在邨裡的中心。 而當你到達廣場中心觀察四周,便會覺得其格局是清晰易明的。 底層的商鋪圍繞著中央廣場,上層便是社區中心。而商場、街市、停車場與商鋪和社區中心井井有條地環環相扣。一條樓梯從停車場外在廣場中心冒出,並通過清晰的標示設計引領你到剛翻好的「啟業主場」。中央廣場的安全感來自被包圍的建築群,但廣場只提供一些長凳和景觀設計,因此多只吸引到老人家和附近上班的人來休息。整體來說空間之間連結得很有條理,只欠公共空間用途的多樣性。
地區: 九龍灣
建造年份: 1981
建築類型: 庭院式
樓層: 1
持有公司: 民坊
Observable experience/
In Kai Yip Estate, all community and commercial programmes are clearly positioned at the centre of the estate. When you arrive at the open space, you will easily indicate that a block of shopping centre connects all street stores at the ground floor that sitting under the housing blocks and community services at the upper level are connected by a covered walkway and a community centre. The extended staircase pops up from the car park and guides you from the ground to the rooftop sports court through clear architectural form and signage. The open space is secured by housing blocks, community centre and car park block. Since there are only some benches and landscape provided, the major occupants are elderly who were resting and workers were having their quick lunch and break. All programmes are well connected, but lacking diversity for the inhabit in open space.
District: Kowloon Bay
Year: 1981Typology: Courtyard
Floor: 1
Ownership: People’s Place