November 22, 2021


建生邨商場算是「中庭式」(Atrium Type)商場的一大代表。商場以粉紅式的菱形和三角形作主為線條,構成了一個和諧和對稱的中庭空間,這裡看到的建築美學比現有很多大型商場都來得優美。而據說紅調的設計是呼應原址舊有的紅磚廠。除了商場門外的公共空間外,商場內上層四周都有座位,好讓居民在這休息。可惜的是與恆安邨商場一樣,在門口加建的扶手電梯阻礙了成個商場原有的流動性。值得一提是商場後方與住宅區域連接的連橋:簡潔的圖形、線條,搶眼的粉紅色與藍色,讓你暫時逃到了一個不同的時空。

地區: 屯門

建造年份: 1989

建築類型: 中庭式

樓層: 3

持有公司: 領展

Kin Sang Estate Shopping Centre/

The rhombus forms a harmonious and symmetrical visual picture, highlighting the architectural aesthetics of the estate shopping centres/

It can be called is a representative of the "Atrium Type" shopping centre. Taking pink diamonds and triangles as the main line, they formed a harmonious and symmetrical atrium space. The architectural aesthetics seen here are even more polished than many large shopping malls.  Some said that the design of the red tone echoes the old red brick factory on the original site.

District: Tuen Mun

Year: 1989

Typology: Atrium

Floor: 2

Ownership: LINK Reit

菱形牽成和諧對稱的視覺畫面,突顯屋邨商場的建築美學/ 建生邨商場算是「中庭式」(Atrium Type)商場的一大代表。商場以粉紅式的菱形和三角形作主為線條,構成了一個和諧和對稱的中庭空間,這裡看到的建築美學比現有很多大型商場都來得優美。而據說紅調的設計是呼應原址舊有的紅磚廠。除了商場門外的公共空間外,商場內上層四周都有座位,好讓居民在這休息。可惜的是與恆安邨商場一樣,在門口加建的扶手電梯阻礙了成個商場原有的流動性。值得一提是商場後方與住宅區域連接的連橋:簡潔的圖形、線條,搶眼的粉紅色與藍色,讓你暫時逃到了一個不同的時空。 地區: 屯門 建造年份: 1989 建築類型: 中庭式 樓層: 3 持有公司: 領展 Kin Sang Estate Shopping Centre/ The rhombus forms a harmonious and symmetrical visual picture, highlighting the architectural aesthetics of the estate shopping centres/ It can be called is a representative of the "Atrium Type" shopping centre. Taking pink diamonds and triangles as the main line, they formed a harmonious and symmetrical atrium space. The architectural aesthetics seen here are even more polished than many large shopping malls. Some said that the design of the red tone echoes the old red brick factory on the original site. District: Tuen Mun Year: 1989 Typology: Atrium Floor: 2 Ownership: LINK Reit #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #廣福邨 #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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大牌檔: (二) 活化社區 - 被淘汰的高級Food Court
大牌檔的個性/🔥 上回提到大牌檔的歷史,但大牌檔其實有甚麼價值?價值的衡量因人而異,但對於香港的飲食文化、活化社區(Community Bonding)和旅遊業的發展上有一定的潛力。作為香港街頭飲食的代表者,大牌檔不論在環境和食物上都極具特色:見證了香港飲食發展和貢獻著香港人的日常;無驅無束的環境與生活的調劑;火水爐的高熱火焰與大鍋氣小炒;木摺檯和摺凳和那綠色巨型鐵皮箱。 活化社區(Community Bonding)/🤝 大牌檔把商鋪與街道連結成一個地方,營運成香港人生活的一部份。開放式廚房和飲食環境有效地放大了所屬公共空間(Public Space)的社交空間元素,利用其豪爽的本土風味把食客和路人帶進同一個氛圍。猶如英國街頭看見的那些戶外咖啡室,美國沙灘旁的那些酒吧,傳統大牌檔文化本質上能活化社區或成為玩樂熱點的常客。在香港,只有這裏能無驅無束地與三五知己吃一頓飯,充滿壓力的香港人正正需要這樣的調劑。 哪裏找沒有創意的人?香港政府/⚫️ 隨時代進步,舊有事物自然會被淘汰,那麼你認為大牌檔是否已經過時?其實長久以來困擾大牌檔的都是衛生問題、擠滿狭窄街道所產生的安全問題和排污問題,均是技術上的小障礙。但大牌檔的獨特個性還深深吸引著外國的朋友們,滿載著港人的集體回憶,問題只是港府或商家不懂得利用香港人的飲食文化,如能在保留其個性的前提下把排污及衛生等問題處理好便能好好地發展。#有志者事竟成 香港是美食天堂?高級Food Court?/👼 香港為何被譽為美食天堂,是全世界米芝蓮星數top3地區、有美麗的海港夜景,但香港本土飲食文化呢?香港是國際大都會但漸漸失去了自身的特色(cultural identity),成為一個沒有靈魂的容器/工具。在香港,建築方面的保育較易被大衆察覺,但各種非文質文化遺產或軟文化則尚有極大的發展空間。文化的流失亦與市民本身有關,請不要只青睞外國的好,請不要只引入外國的好,請嘗試借鑑外國的優點去好好地孕育本地既有的文化,希望我港能助你發現到這些被遺忘的寶藏。或許他日,大牌檔文化將會成為外國人的借鑑對象。 Authentic HK Dining Experience/🇭🇰 What is the value of Dai Pai Dong? As a representative of street food in Hong Kong, Dai Pai Dong is distinctive in terms of environment and food. Iconically, it is a giant green metal box and serve foods cooked by Kerosene Stove, strong firepower. Such firepower injects “Wok Hei” into every dish, each dish can be made in a “hot” wink with a balanced dry body and delicious charred taste. By the way, remember to order a bottle of Blue Girl, it is a perfect pairing with food full of “Wok Hei” . In addition, as traditional Dai Pai Dong is integrated into the public street to operate and become part of Hong Kong, its open-air kitchen and dining area effectively amplify the social space element of the public space. It uses its rich local flavour to bring diners and passersby into the same atmosphere. Similar to the outdoor cafes on the streets of the UK, the bars beside the beach in the US, the traditional Dai Pai Dong culture can definitely revitalize the community or even become a famous spot. Its must be more fascinating than restaurants that you cannot even speak up freely with your friends. Dai Pai Dong is yet to be rescued or fully utilised. #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #大牌檔 #daipaidong #香港文化
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👶以身體五觀感受社區,體驗自然的脈絡...我港早前體驗了由香港青協領袖學院 @leadershipinstitutehk 舉辦的「五感遊粉嶺」活動,踏足了粉嶺這個較少機會接觸的地方。學院前身為粉嶺裁判法院(三級歷史建築),由祥華邨走過去時,已經被那新古典建築風格所吸引,充滿50年代的味道。 👂聲境粉嶺 (聽覺體驗) / 是次體驗的第一節是「聲境粉嶺」,由導師Wenda @daywenda 帶領,嘗試慢下腳步,把精神集中於旅途上的點點滴滴,細聽這個社區和空間的種種「聲音」,再以繪畫、文字或符號方式作聆聽記錄,創作獨一無二的藝術作品。 在這裡,不再被鬧市的煩囂所囚禁,我聽到的是各條清晰而細緻的聲道。由起點的跑步聲(密集細點)起步,途中有環繞四周的鳥叫聲作為背景音樂(黃色)襯托出一份安心;能清晰聽到士多或單位內傳出的對話聲(大黑色點);還有與我並肩前行的的手推車(黑色線),走到將近馬路時,急躁的公路車聲(深啡色)漸漸傳來。有別於景點式地尋找那些“必食或必去”,或是“10大打卡點”,這讓我更能解釋到何謂新界區悠閒。 👅浪行尋味 (視覺、嗅覺和味覺體驗)/ 接著,我們出發至聯和墟,參加由社企「小店寶庫」 @citystreasure 帶領的半日遊。聯和墟是二戰後的首個發展工程,區內以商住兩用建築為主,是一個現代化的有蓋墟市。到達時被立刻被一棟一層式的石屎建築物「聯和市場」所吸引,和背後雄大的現代住宅囍逸形成強烈對比。「聯和市場」於1951年啟用,2002年結業後長期掉空,2007年出現於電影《每當變幻時》,唯有期望未來能得到好好的保育。 及後我們到訪了「協香麵包西餅」嘗過粉嶺名物雞脾包後再到市場旁的到涼茶店。涼茶店老闆最近因加租而選擇同區搬遷,他說到:「飲開涼茶嘅,啱口味就唔會轉另一間㗎啦。」。頓時,我像掉了錢包一樣,發現自己記憶中並沒有任何與味道有密切關係的回憶,長期生活於大型商場主導的地區,小店的人情味對我來說是多麼的陌生。 青協領袖學院還提供城市紋理杯墊 ( 觸覺體驗 )活動,詳情請瀏覽網站: https://leadershipinstitute.hk/event/5senses #我港 #kongcept #我港社區 #kongcept_community #香港青年協會領袖學院 #三級歷史建築 #前粉嶺裁判法院 #協香麵包西餅 #聯和墟 #聯和市場 #hkcommunity #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture #祥華邨 #聲音 #必食 #必去 #香港自救
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南山邨商場: 迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學
👁迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學🏢 南山邨商場由兩座徙置大廈形住宅伸延的平台包圍而成。平台主要則以兩層街市所組成,商鋪、餐廳則散在四周。相比起一般「綜合平台型」商場都具有十分空擴開放空間,這商場的開放空間則滿佈裡街市的檔口,但也因而創造了不規則的行走動線,緊接著周邊連接各住宅的通道。商場的橫向層次相對清晰,由三個主樓梯連接。樓梯最終通向開放的運動場,與下方街市繁忙緊密的氣氛成了強烈對比。運動場飽覽三邊住宅大廈的走廊景觀,當然對於居民來說可能久缺私隱度。但因大廈重複性和對稱性畫面令這運動場變成了打卡熱點,大家欣賞建築美學的同時,記得將音量收細! 商場各層的連接並不是明顯,但因而塑造了每層不一樣的性格和氣氛。 地區: 石硤尾 建造年份: 1977 建築類型: 綜合平台 樓層: 3 持有公司: 房屋署 Unobservable/ Nam Shan Shopping Centre is formed by two podium levels of the market, surrounded podium retail stores at slab housing blocks. Although there is barely an open space in the podium level, the open planned market space creates free flows of circulation, interacting with the walkways towards different housing blocks. The horizontal hierarchy of the shopping centre is relatively clear, connected by three main staircases. On the contrary to the busy market podium, the stairs will eventually bring to an open sport court with recreational facilities at the rooftop. Surrounding by the stretching corridors of slab housing blocks, you can see the moments taking places in the neighbourhood. The rooftop sports count becomes a trending hotspot for photo taking. Although there is a lack of visual connection between different levels, it creates a non-disturbed and open ground for all to use. District: Shek Kip Mei Year: 1977 Typology: Integrated Podium Floor: 3 Ownership: Housing Authority
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新翠邨商場: 綠洲與商場之間,真的需要明確的界線?
新翠邨商場🍃 綠洲與商場之間,真的需要明確的界線?/ 新翠商場分成兩部份,一邊是超級市場,另一邊與一座住宅塔樓融為一體。 商場入口與屋邨中央公園的綠化空間合併。 玻璃拱頂照映著商場的池塘中庭, 大量的綠化景觀和碎石花紋的外牆互相呼應。 樓梯正對著池塘的中央,彷佛在叫停你去細看這片綠洲間的片刻,但由於新建了自動扶梯,令原有的樓梯體驗被忽視了。 上到一樓推開其中一道防火門,通過走火通道,你便能到達隱藏在對面超市上方的球場。有趣的是雖然現為領展持有的商場,但除了地圖的平面設計是與其他領展商場統一外,經過40年的歲月,這裡設計保存的完整度罕有地高,就連代表新翠商場的原有LOGO仍能看到。 地區: 大圍 建造年份: 1983 建築類型: 走廊式 樓層: 2 持有公司: 領展 建築師: 江焯勳 Is there boundary between oasis and shopping centre?/ Sun Chui Shopping centre consists of two parts. One is the supermarket and the other one is integrated with a slab housing block. The building form is in line with the rectangular contour of the slab block. The entrance is merged with green and recreational space at the centre of the estate. A curved glass roof shines the human-made pond. The incredible amount of greenery and the use of stonework echo harmoniously with the pond. The staircase is orientated to observe the moments at the pond but is inhabited because of the newly built escalator at the opposite. Surprisingly, there is a secret bridge, behind a fire escape hallway, that links up the adjacent sports court above the supermarket block. District: Tai Wai Year: 1983 Typology: Arcade Floor: 2 Ownership: Link Reit Architect: Joseph Kong #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_community #新翠邨 #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #urbanoasis #城市綠洲
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啟業邨商場: 環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場
啟業邨商場 啟業主場!環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場 一目了然的視線/ 啟業邨的規劃是將社區及商業空間都佈置在邨裡的中心。 而當你到達廣場中心觀察四周,便會覺得其格局是清晰易明的。 底層的商鋪圍繞著中央廣場,上層便是社區中心。而商場、街市、停車場與商鋪和社區中心井井有條地環環相扣。一條樓梯從停車場外在廣場中心冒出,並通過清晰的標示設計引領你到剛翻好的「啟業主場」。中央廣場的安全感來自被包圍的建築群,但廣場只提供一些長凳和景觀設計,因此多只吸引到老人家和附近上班的人來休息。整體來說空間之間連結得很有條理,只欠公共空間用途的多樣性。 地區: 九龍灣 建造年份: 1981 建築類型: 庭院式 樓層: 1 持有公司: 民坊 Observable experience/ In Kai Yip Estate, all community and commercial programmes are clearly positioned at the centre of the estate. When you arrive at the open space, you will easily indicate that a block of shopping centre connects all street stores at the ground floor that sitting under the housing blocks and community services at the upper level are connected by a covered walkway and a community centre. The extended staircase pops up from the car park and guides you from the ground to the rooftop sports court through clear architectural form and signage. The open space is secured by housing blocks, community centre and car park block. Since there are only some benches and landscape provided, the major occupants are elderly who were resting and workers were having their quick lunch and break. All programmes are well connected, but lacking diversity for the inhabit in open space. District: Kowloon Bay Year: 1981 Typology: Courtyard Floor: 1 Ownership: People’s Place #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_archi #hkshoppingcentre #hkestate #香港文化 #hkculture #屋邨商場 #hkpublicspace #公共空間
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【7/8 社區:博康的花園商場 @kongcept852】 關於 #我港社區 #community_kongcept 💬// 我港希望讓你更關注你的社區。社區透過回憶和故事無形地連繫著我們,當中埋藏了很多未被發掘的寶藏。// 博康的花園商場,帶你回到百年前的歐洲購物走廊/ 「在這裡,我看到不同世代的共存,清楚地顯示了公屋及其商場的重要性。 在博康,幾代居民靠著無形的力量去交融。 孩子們放學後經過、 老人則通常被推到一旁,圍著坐去打發時間。」- Kris Provoost 博康邨明確定義了既寬敞通風的公共空間,橫跨中軸線的聚碳酸酯(polycarbonate)拱頂,一大一細地輕輕伏在兩邊商鋪頂,視線帶領你看到一排商鋪招井井有條地包圍整個商場,充滿著源起於歐洲的「走廊」( arcade) 設計味道,例如位於巴黎 La Galerie Vivenne (1823) 。而「走廊」源自於當時的歐洲經濟蓬勃,為了回應當時購物需求,而在街與街之間興建這種玻璃頂「走廊」,供商鋪展示商品,讓市民「有瓦遮頭」地購物。 博康以「走廊」設計為基礎,將其中一邊商鋪調高半層,在中庭設置樓梯接駁兩邊,這除了減少老人家行樓梯的級數,亦創造十分有趣的公共空間。錯層設計令居民視線變得更開揚,大量長凳分散在中庭,讓你除了跟隨著商場的走廊前行,亦能坐下好好感受空間滲透著陽光與居民間的互動。 想看更多的屋邨攝影作品,記得follow 建築攝影師 @kris.provoost ! 地區: 沙田 建造年份: 1982 屋邨商場類型:走廊型 樓層: 3 持有公司: 房署 PS: 請繼續守護你可以守護的,不要讓香港失去更多 ‘’ Seeing the coexistence of different generations, shows clearly the importance of public housing estates and its retail centres. At Pok Hong, the generations mingle by ‘force’. Kids pass through when school is out. ‘’ - Kris Provoost Pok Hong clearly defines a spacious and ventilated public space. The polycarbonate vaults across the central axis, one larger and one smaller, gently lie on the roofs of the shops on both sides, and the line of sight leads you to see rows of shop fronts. It embodies the scene of "arcade" design originating from Europe, such as La Galerie Vivenne (1823) in Paris. In order to respond to the shopping needs during the industrial revolution, this kind of glazed arcade was built between the street and the shops were used to display goods for the public. One side of floor levels is raised by half a storey, and stairs sit in the atrium to connect the two sides. This not only reduces the number of stairs for the elderly, but also creates an engaging public space.Please take your time to feel the space permeated by the sunlight and the interaction between the residents. For more Hong Kong estate shots, remember to follow architectural photographer @kris.provoost ! District: Sha Tin Year: 1982 Type: Arcade Floor: 3 Ownership: Housing Authority #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #廣福邨 #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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PMQ將宿舍變成文創中心或是大館將監獄變成博物館,但不是所有活化項目都能複制的,當然在香港,成本效益是很重要的考量,大館算是相對成功的背後是因為有賽馬會支撐開支。那「#中環街市」又如何能達到商業、保育及社會發展之間的平衡? 📽從創先河到被迫停業的中環街市/ 中環街市建於1850年,於1938重建成現在具「包浩斯風格」的現代主義建築,因「形式源於功能」,其外觀與開放式空間創當時街市設計的先河。中環街市曾經亦是全東南亞最大的肉類市場。可惜它身處中環商業核心地帶,未能跟隨城市發展的步伐,終於在2003年停止營業。至今成為「新假期」標題中的「歐式日光庭園+舊建築活化打卡位+過百檔本地文青小店/酒吧餐廳/掃街小食」。 📽香港的街市文化/ 街市對於香港人除了是個買新鮮貨的好地方,還是連繫彼此的重要社區脈絡。中環街市正是百年間半山與中上環居民的聚腳點。而它從1842年經歷了三次的重建,承傳到現在的是它在社區發揮的功能及街市文化,建築的設計亦呼應著這功能。街市檔戶世代相傳,例如有魚販從1939年開業,後由子承父業,營運至街市的最後一天。 現在,讓我們來看看中環街市的活化成果。結業前的101個檔口只有13個能回到「街市」,再經過18年的空窗期,世代相傳的檔口早以被迫終斷。取而代之的是咖啡店、文創小店、餐廳、超市。加上被美化的水磨石檔口和樓梯;把街市兩邊分隔開的玻璃,「中環街市」的影子蕩然無存。 📽如何脫離「港式保育」?/ 如以「文化」和「社區」角度去量度活化的結果,那我們要思考的是「中環街市如何成為載體去承傳過往的文化價值或創造新的文化價值。」第一步當然是超越「得返個殼」的建築層面保育,但只是保留街市的功能不合乎這時代的社會需要,過度商業化的設計與營運難為孕育新的文化價值。大館算是平衡到兩者的利益,卻需要龐大資源去支撐。 而在「社區層面」來看,如果以中環街市為起點向上走兩條街,已經是士丹利街的大牌檔,結志街的蘭芳園,嘉咸街的街市和香港最舊的唐樓永和號。中環街市又能否與這些地方產生關係?它能夠成為半山和商業區社區橋樑? 的確保育活化的課題複雜,值得大家思考。 保育案例參考: - #中環立法會大樓,原為高等法院 - #香港大學堂,原為杜格拉斯堡(住宅)、傳道會 - #香港視覺藝術中心,原為英軍宿舍 保育文章參考: - 活化與保育/ 許焯權
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埋藏著對稱的三角玻璃頂, 創造了和諧的空間氣氛
埋著對稱的三角玻璃頂, 創造了和諧的空間氣氛🔺 廣福商場坐落於停車場和街市的上方。 商場底層連結著休閒和靜態設施的平台,平台的面積相當大,也達成了人車分隔。 建築外牆程現代主義風格,簡單的線條,以巨大方型水泥框勾劃出店鋪窗戶,但它主要以一部主扶手電梯進入商場的內部。雖然這商場「封閉式建築」型,商場並沒有設置中央冷氣,依靠中庭兩則的三角玻璃頂改善了通風和透光。玻璃滲透的自然光與錯層的空間營造出讓想舒服地逗留的氣氛。有部份的牆身原為鋪頭大門,現用了相當亮眼的紙皮石砌成,為空間制造一點驚喜。 地區: 大埔 建造年份: 1983 建築類型: 走廊式 樓層: 4 持有公司: 領展 Twin Pitch Roofs Kwong Fuk Commerical Centre is a single block sitting above the car park and the market. It connects to a podium with recreational and static facilities in a similar footprint area. The main part of a commercial centre is linked only by a key escalator. Two pitch roofs improve the ventilation and daylight from a concealed block. A split level is created by the level control of atrium. There are also several balconies in between retail stores connecting the environment between the commercial centre and the estate. District: Tai Po Year: 1983 Typology: Arcade Floor: 4 Ownership: LINK Reit #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #廣福邨 #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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南山邨商場: 迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學
👁迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學🏢 南山邨商場由兩座徙置大廈形住宅伸延的平台包圍而成。平台主要則以兩層街市所組成,商鋪、餐廳則散在四周。相比起一般「綜合平台型」商場都具有十分空擴開放空間,這商場的開放空間則滿佈裡街市的檔口,但也因而創造了不規則的行走動線,緊接著周邊連接各住宅的通道。商場的橫向層次相對清晰,由三個主樓梯連接。樓梯最終通向開放的運動場,與下方街市繁忙緊密的氣氛成了強烈對比。運動場飽覽三邊住宅大廈的走廊景觀,當然對於居民來說可能久缺私隱度。但因大廈重複性和對稱性畫面令這運動場變成了打卡熱點,大家欣賞建築美學的同時,記得將音量收細! 商場各層的連接並不是明顯,但因而塑造了每層不一樣的性格和氣氛。 地區: 石硤尾 建造年份: 1977 建築類型: 綜合平台 樓層: 3 持有公司: 房屋署 Unobservable/ Nam Shan Shopping Centre is formed by two podium levels of the market, surrounded podium retail stores at slab housing blocks. Although there is barely an open space in the podium level, the open planned market space creates free flows of circulation, interacting with the walkways towards different housing blocks. The horizontal hierarchy of the shopping centre is relatively clear, connected by three main staircases. On the contrary to the busy market podium, the stairs will eventually bring to an open sport court with recreational facilities at the rooftop. Surrounding by the stretching corridors of slab housing blocks, you can see the moments taking places in the neighbourhood. The rooftop sports count becomes a trending hotspot for photo taking. Although there is a lack of visual connection between different levels, it creates a non-disturbed and open ground for all to use. District: Shek Kip Mei Year: 1977 Typology: Integrated Podium Floor: 3 Ownership: Housing Authority
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