「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。就讓我港率先為大家介紹3間書中的Coffee 和 Tea house吧!
1 Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau
2 Teakha茶家/ 1000ft2/ Shophouse
店內的設計樸實而溫和,店主強調的是家的味道,她希望能重拾自己的家族傳統 - 於每個下午享受茶與糕點。而店外的擺設與座位綿延了一整個街區,遮陽篷、種植植物和鬆散的座位,建構了獨一無二而充滿趣味的社區空間。可惜的是Teakha將於月底結束營業,大家要把握最後機會!
3 Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau
Basao重新詮釋了如何將傳統茶道融合現代城市人生活。 店內設計像是日本的花園小徑茶館,平緩坡道與竹子場景帶你暫時遠離外界的喧囂。仔細看看你腳下的瓷磚,設計師加入Basao自家遠在安溪的茶園土壤,被固定在水泥中的土壤壓成定制的瓷磚。 而茶樹碎片則嵌入地板、牆壁和櫃檯的瓷磚中。空間的感受結合了禪的平靜與茶室獨一無二的特質。
//讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! //
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Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友
Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852
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Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store
Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau
It is not easy to create a new community within a tenement house while maintaining the original style of the pre-war building. The owners want to create a community-centric coffee shop. They feel that customers and employees are friends and neighbours to each other.
Teakha / 1000ft2/ Shophouse
The design of the teahouse is simple. The owner emphasizes the taste of home. She hopes to revive her family tradition-enjoying tea and pastries every afternoon. The interior spills into a public lane, where awnings, plants and loose seats construct a casual yet inviting community space.
Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau
Basao reinterprets the traditional tea houses in a modern urban settings. Take a closer look at the tiles under your feet. Earth, which gives the tile its colour and texture, is sourced from Basao’s own tea plantation in Anxi, China. The plantation soil is set in cement and pressed into tiles.
🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁
Step 1-Comment to share your impressions of coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends
Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852
Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852