December 3, 2021

「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。就讓我港率先為大家介紹3間書中的Coffee 和 Tea house吧!

1 Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau


2 Teakha茶家/ 1000ft2/ Shophouse

店內的設計樸實而溫和,店主強調的是家的味道,她希望能重拾自己的家族傳統 - 於每個下午享受茶與糕點。而店外的擺設與座位綿延了一整個街區,遮陽篷、種植植物和鬆散的座位,建構了獨一無二而充滿趣味的社區空間。可惜的是Teakha將於月底結束營業,大家要把握最後機會!

3 Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau

Basao重新詮釋了如何將傳統茶道融合現代城市人生活。 店內設計像是日本的花園小徑茶館,平緩坡道與竹子場景帶你暫時遠離外界的喧囂。仔細看看你腳下的瓷磚,設計師加入Basao自家遠在安溪的茶園土壤,被固定在水泥中的土壤壓成定制的瓷磚。 而茶樹碎片則嵌入地板、牆壁和櫃檯的瓷磚中。空間的感受結合了禪的平靜與茶室獨一無二的特質。


//讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! //

🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》Giveaway!!!📖 🎁

Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友

Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852

Step 3 - Follow 我港Kongcept 然後把story截圖DM給 @kongcept852

Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store

Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau

It is not easy to create a new community within a tenement house while maintaining the original style of the pre-war building. The owners want to create a community-centric coffee shop. They feel that customers and employees are friends and neighbours to each other.

Teakha / 1000ft2/ Shophouse

The design of the teahouse is simple. The owner emphasizes the taste of home. She hopes to revive her family tradition-enjoying tea and pastries every afternoon. The interior spills into a public lane, where awnings,  plants and loose seats construct a casual yet inviting community space.

Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau

Basao reinterprets the traditional tea houses in a modern urban settings. Take a closer look at the tiles under your feet. Earth, which gives the tile its colour and texture, is sourced from Basao’s own tea plantation in Anxi, China. The plantation soil is set in cement and pressed into tiles.

🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁

Step 1-Comment to share your impressions of coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends

Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852

Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852

彩雲邨商場: 穿梭在這城市森林的坡道 - 細看著片刻的喧嚷
彩雲邨商場 穿梭在這城市森林的坡道細看著片刻的喧嚷🌲🌴 各種社區空間的驚喜/ 彩雲邨商場被清水灣道分成兩邊。由於這個屋邨與九龍灣和彩虹都相對較遠,因此這裡的規劃比較全面和集中,包括巴士總站,市場,超級市場,餐廳和雜貨店等,能夠自給自足。這個商場的空間絕對能給你不少驚喜。沿途走過這商場,你會發現一個休憩空間向清水灣道伸展出去,原來這裡種著一棵百年老樹;在酒樓對面的走廊可以發現兒童玩樂的設施;商場的中心點是個像「城市森林」般的公共空間;最後你可以走過樓梯上到空曠的天台平台看遍整個山頭。儘管彩雲的社區中心與商場(大約200米)是分開的,但是整座商業建築本身已經提供了很精彩的商業與社區體驗。 穿梭在城市森林的坡道/ 六個園境的佈置構成了這個「城市森林」。很有趣的是居民很自然地分佈在三個區域以免發生衝突或打擾到其他人。空間的南側是老人休息和看報紙的地方;中央部分因馬會開設在側旁,而被不少中年男士佔據著。北側多為休息或吃午飯的人。三個區域沒有明確的分界線,郤能看到他們能夠和諧地分享同一空間,這裡讓我看到社區自主的可能性。兩個坡道橫誇整個「城市森林」,提供了一種較慢的步行體驗,一邊可以細看著公共空間發生的片刻,另一邊可以觀看到攤位之間的喧嚷。 地區: 彩虹 建造年份: 1979 建築類型: 開放式建築 樓層: 4 持有公司: 領展 Urban Forest/ Six blocks of landscape form the urban forest. There are generally three types of user who determine their occupying zone clearly to avoid conflict and disturbing experiences. The south side of space was occupied by elderly who were resting and reading newspapers; the central part was occupied by men who were doing horse betting while the jockey club was next to the space; the north side was occupied by the elderly and workers who were taking a break or having lunch. The circulation is directing to the urban forest. On the contrary, two ramps run between the span of the void offering a walkable experience that you could either be watching the activities in the urban forest or in the stores on the other side. District: Choi Hung Year: 1979 Typology: Open Block Floor: 4 Ownership: Link Reit #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_community #彩雲邨 #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救
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埋藏著對稱的三角玻璃頂, 創造了和諧的空間氣氛
埋著對稱的三角玻璃頂, 創造了和諧的空間氣氛🔺 廣福商場坐落於停車場和街市的上方。 商場底層連結著休閒和靜態設施的平台,平台的面積相當大,也達成了人車分隔。 建築外牆程現代主義風格,簡單的線條,以巨大方型水泥框勾劃出店鋪窗戶,但它主要以一部主扶手電梯進入商場的內部。雖然這商場「封閉式建築」型,商場並沒有設置中央冷氣,依靠中庭兩則的三角玻璃頂改善了通風和透光。玻璃滲透的自然光與錯層的空間營造出讓想舒服地逗留的氣氛。有部份的牆身原為鋪頭大門,現用了相當亮眼的紙皮石砌成,為空間制造一點驚喜。 地區: 大埔 建造年份: 1983 建築類型: 走廊式 樓層: 4 持有公司: 領展 Twin Pitch Roofs Kwong Fuk Commerical Centre is a single block sitting above the car park and the market. It connects to a podium with recreational and static facilities in a similar footprint area. The main part of a commercial centre is linked only by a key escalator. Two pitch roofs improve the ventilation and daylight from a concealed block. A split level is created by the level control of atrium. There are also several balconies in between retail stores connecting the environment between the commercial centre and the estate. District: Tai Po Year: 1983 Typology: Arcade Floor: 4 Ownership: LINK Reit #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #廣福邨 #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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屋簷上的橙色磚瓦⛺️/ 華明邨商場是由兩座商業建築所組成,兩者由天橋連接。建築師的設計意念是想將屋邨內的公共空間和商業建築群打造成傳統的中國庭院。 不單利用了退台式的磚瓦屋頂達至每層建築輪廓的偏移,而其邊界也運用了大量綠化裝飾,兩棟建築之間的動態輪廓構成了很有趣的對稱開放空間。 建築師刻意將四座樓梯塔從兩層的商業建築向上延伸,便能吸引到訪者視覺上的注意力,而忘記頭上充滿壓迫感的屋苑大廈。 「民坊」更因應這設計風格翻新了商場裡的街市,以中式宮殿設計呼應室外的園林景色。這個商場的成功之處在於經過三十年後的今天仍然能保留其獨特魅力,更主導了管理公司的翻新設計方式,而不是被翻新成單一化的商場設計。 地區:粉嶺 建造年份:1990 屋邨商場類型:庭院式 樓層:2 持有公司:民坊 Wah Ming Shopping Centre consists of two commercial blocks linked by a foot bridge. The core idea is to transform the complex into a traditional Chinese courtyard. The retreating tiled roofs, offsetting from the block boundary with greenery input, creates dynamic contours of the open space in between. Four staircases tower with tiled roofs intentionally extend from the complex. They draw the attention from visitor and away from the compressive housing blocks. “ People’s Place “ renovated the market according to the original shopping centre design. The new Chinese palace design echos with the sense of Chinese courtyard. The success of this shopping centre is that it still retains its unique charm after 30 years, and it is capable to dominate the management company's refurbishment design instead of being refurbished into a homogeneous shopping centre design. District: Fanling Year: 1990 Type: Courtyard Floor: 2 Ownership: People’s Place #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #我港社區 #archi_kongcept #kongcept_community #華明邨 #屋邨商場 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。就讓我港率先為大家介紹3間書中的Coffee 和 Tea house吧! 1⃣Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau 要在唐樓創造新的社區空間又要保持戰前建築的原有風貌絕對不是易事。店主希望創建一個以社區為中心的咖啡店,他們覺得客戶和員工彼此都是朋友和鄰居。他們在店外的花崗岩階梯上建了一級級木座椅,將cafe延伸到街道上,展現了買少見少的街道文化。 2⃣Teakha茶家/ 1000ft2/ Shophouse 店內的設計樸實而溫和,店主強調的是家的味道,她希望能重拾自己的家族傳統 - 於每個下午享受茶與糕點。而店外的擺設與座位綿延了一整個街區,遮陽篷、種植植物和鬆散的座位,建構了獨一無二而充滿趣味的社區空間。可惜的是Teakha將於月底結束營業,大家要把握最後機會! 3⃣Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau Basao重新詮釋了如何將傳統茶道融合現代城市人生活。 店內設計像是日本的花園小徑茶館,平緩坡道與竹子場景帶你暫時遠離外界的喧囂。仔細看看你腳下的瓷磚,設計師加入Basao自家遠在安溪的茶園土壤,被固定在水泥中的土壤壓成定制的瓷磚。 而茶樹碎片則嵌入地板、牆壁和櫃檯的瓷磚中。空間的感受結合了禪的平靜與茶室獨一無二的特質。 //致建築師、設計師、香港人:// //讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! // 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》Giveaway!!!📖 🎁 Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友 Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3 - Follow 我港Kongcept 然後把story截圖DM給 @kongcept852 Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store Common Ground/ 320ft2/ Tong Lau It is not easy to create a new community within a tenement house while maintaining the original style of the pre-war building. The owners want to create a community-centric coffee shop. They feel that customers and employees are friends and neighbours to each other. Teakha / 1000ft2/ Shophouse The design of the teahouse is simple. The owner emphasizes the taste of home. She hopes to revive her family tradition-enjoying tea and pastries every afternoon. The interior spills into a public lane, where awnings, plants and loose seats construct a casual yet inviting community space. Basao Tea/ 1200ft2/ Tong Lau Basao reinterprets the traditional tea houses in a modern urban settings. Take a closer look at the tiles under your feet. Earth, which gives the tile its colour and texture, is sourced from Basao’s own tea plantation in Anxi, China. The plantation soil is set in cement and pressed into tiles. 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁 Step 1-Comment to share your impressions of coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852
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啟業邨商場: 環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場
啟業邨商場 啟業主場!環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場 一目了然的視線/ 啟業邨的規劃是將社區及商業空間都佈置在邨裡的中心。 而當你到達廣場中心觀察四周,便會覺得其格局是清晰易明的。 底層的商鋪圍繞著中央廣場,上層便是社區中心。而商場、街市、停車場與商鋪和社區中心井井有條地環環相扣。一條樓梯從停車場外在廣場中心冒出,並通過清晰的標示設計引領你到剛翻好的「啟業主場」。中央廣場的安全感來自被包圍的建築群,但廣場只提供一些長凳和景觀設計,因此多只吸引到老人家和附近上班的人來休息。整體來說空間之間連結得很有條理,只欠公共空間用途的多樣性。 地區: 九龍灣 建造年份: 1981 建築類型: 庭院式 樓層: 1 持有公司: 民坊 Observable experience/ In Kai Yip Estate, all community and commercial programmes are clearly positioned at the centre of the estate. When you arrive at the open space, you will easily indicate that a block of shopping centre connects all street stores at the ground floor that sitting under the housing blocks and community services at the upper level are connected by a covered walkway and a community centre. The extended staircase pops up from the car park and guides you from the ground to the rooftop sports court through clear architectural form and signage. The open space is secured by housing blocks, community centre and car park block. Since there are only some benches and landscape provided, the major occupants are elderly who were resting and workers were having their quick lunch and break. All programmes are well connected, but lacking diversity for the inhabit in open space. District: Kowloon Bay Year: 1981 Typology: Courtyard Floor: 1 Ownership: People’s Place #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_archi #hkshoppingcentre #hkestate #香港文化 #hkculture #屋邨商場 #hkpublicspace #公共空間
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菱形牽成和諧對稱的視覺畫面,突顯屋邨商場的建築美學/ 建生邨商場算是「中庭式」(Atrium Type)商場的一大代表。商場以粉紅式的菱形和三角形作主為線條,構成了一個和諧和對稱的中庭空間,這裡看到的建築美學比現有很多大型商場都來得優美。而據說紅調的設計是呼應原址舊有的紅磚廠。除了商場門外的公共空間外,商場內上層四周都有座位,好讓居民在這休息。可惜的是與恆安邨商場一樣,在門口加建的扶手電梯阻礙了成個商場原有的流動性。值得一提是商場後方與住宅區域連接的連橋:簡潔的圖形、線條,搶眼的粉紅色與藍色,讓你暫時逃到了一個不同的時空。 地區: 屯門 建造年份: 1989 建築類型: 中庭式 樓層: 3 持有公司: 領展 Kin Sang Estate Shopping Centre/ The rhombus forms a harmonious and symmetrical visual picture, highlighting the architectural aesthetics of the estate shopping centres/ It can be called is a representative of the "Atrium Type" shopping centre. Taking pink diamonds and triangles as the main line, they formed a harmonious and symmetrical atrium space. The architectural aesthetics seen here are even more polished than many large shopping malls. Some said that the design of the red tone echoes the old red brick factory on the original site. District: Tuen Mun Year: 1989 Typology: Atrium Floor: 2 Ownership: LINK Reit #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #廣福邨 #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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南山邨商場: 迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學
👁迷失的視線,欣賞舊徙置大廈的建築美學🏢 南山邨商場由兩座徙置大廈形住宅伸延的平台包圍而成。平台主要則以兩層街市所組成,商鋪、餐廳則散在四周。相比起一般「綜合平台型」商場都具有十分空擴開放空間,這商場的開放空間則滿佈裡街市的檔口,但也因而創造了不規則的行走動線,緊接著周邊連接各住宅的通道。商場的橫向層次相對清晰,由三個主樓梯連接。樓梯最終通向開放的運動場,與下方街市繁忙緊密的氣氛成了強烈對比。運動場飽覽三邊住宅大廈的走廊景觀,當然對於居民來說可能久缺私隱度。但因大廈重複性和對稱性畫面令這運動場變成了打卡熱點,大家欣賞建築美學的同時,記得將音量收細! 商場各層的連接並不是明顯,但因而塑造了每層不一樣的性格和氣氛。 地區: 石硤尾 建造年份: 1977 建築類型: 綜合平台 樓層: 3 持有公司: 房屋署 Unobservable/ Nam Shan Shopping Centre is formed by two podium levels of the market, surrounded podium retail stores at slab housing blocks. Although there is barely an open space in the podium level, the open planned market space creates free flows of circulation, interacting with the walkways towards different housing blocks. The horizontal hierarchy of the shopping centre is relatively clear, connected by three main staircases. On the contrary to the busy market podium, the stairs will eventually bring to an open sport court with recreational facilities at the rooftop. Surrounding by the stretching corridors of slab housing blocks, you can see the moments taking places in the neighbourhood. The rooftop sports count becomes a trending hotspot for photo taking. Although there is a lack of visual connection between different levels, it creates a non-disturbed and open ground for all to use. District: Shek Kip Mei Year: 1977 Typology: Integrated Podium Floor: 3 Ownership: Housing Authority
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廣源邨商場: (二) 視覺的分散與吸引力, 你能從城門河注視廣源鐘樓?
視覺的分散與吸引/ 上回介紹了廣源邨之所以會分成九棟建築是因為建築師江焯勳希望為這社區提供更加額外的居住空間。而他的設計意念是由建築的規劃帶到建築的細節上。當你置身於兩層樓高的商場建築的範圍,除了因建築比例與人們接近而提高親密感,你的視線也會被它們吸引著,加上他選用的紅磚外牆與石屎造的住宅塔樓造成強烈對比,令你能夠忽略包圍著你的住宅塔樓。而最著名的鐘樓不只塑造了西方小鎮的氣氛,其實他希望人們在山下的城門河也能夠遠看到鐘樓,就知道這裡是廣源邨,建立廣源邨的獨特形象。 優秀的建築是用時間去證明/ 其實這種街區小鎮的商場規劃在內地十分流行,例如北京的太古里和深圳的深業上城也有類似手法,但建築師江焯勳早在三十年前已經實行了。最令我體會最大的是跟出至他設計的新翠邨商場一樣,卻是三十年不變。這裡沒有一絲領展的改動,甚至沒有領展參與管理的痕跡,走進商場裡的茶記,你還可以吃到不需三十元的燒味飯,這裡的時空減慢了。證明了優秀的建築設計既能夠經得起時間的洗禮,更能抵抗不預計的社會經濟變化。 地區: 沙田 建造年份: 1989 建築類型: 庭院式 樓層: 2 持有公司: 領展 Visual Distraction and Attraction All commercial blocks are built by red bricks and pitch roofs. The materiality was intentionally contrasted to the concrete housing blocks in the surrounding. Blocks were carefully positioned to distract residents’ visibility to high rising housing blocks. They are attracted by 2-storey high buildings along the journey, that zooming back into a more human-friendly and touchable scale. The clock tower intended to be the mutual attachment of place for residents. The orientation of the tower allows itself to be revealed down from the Shing Mun River. District: Sha Tin Year: 1989 Typology: Courtyard Floor: 2 Ownership: LINK Reit
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恆安商場: 走進愛麗絲夢遊仙境的場景
🔮🛖走進愛麗絲夢遊仙境的場景! 恆安商場坐落於屋邨中心的商業建築。 邨內的樓梯和電梯連接著平台,覆蓋範圍之大與「綜合平台型」商場類近。 入邨的過程中,我起初已被三角頂的深啡色天橋和樓梯所吸晴,穿過平台落到地面看看整座建築,延伸的平台篷頂連接著商場、街市和公園,橫向而厚實外牆的三角形邊界不斷交錯,配合外露的綠化景觀,讓你彷彿置身於愛麗絲夢遊仙境的場景。領展可能也看中這一點,將街市翻新成鄉村田園風,那當然沒有屯門安定街市的扭曲外牆那麼誇張! 而有趣的是三角形邊界交錯的背後卻是十分空擴的商場中庭,十分罕見的坡道設計圍繞著整個中庭。而底層的夾層平台,既可以是表演舞台,又引導你搭上不停旋轉的坡道。位於坡道的每個商鋪都不同高度,與旺角朗豪坊上層設計有些許類似。可惜的是新建的扶手電梯取代了慢步坡道的體驗。 地區: 馬鞍山 建造年份: 1987 建築類型: 中庭式 樓層: 5 持有公司: 領展 Passing through the scene of Alice in Wonderland! Heng On Shopping Centre is a commercial block located at the centre of the estate. The podium level stretches and connects across the estate. The canopy extended from the escalator entrance plays as the transactional space between the commercial component, the market and the open space at ground. The floor slab and the balustrade formed multiple triangular planes crossing the entire block. It creates contrasting visual influences between the inside and outside. The visibility from outside is less conspicuous, but that from inside is surprisedly open. The ramping system and the elevated stage space stimulate a continuous walkable journey from the podium to the top. However, a new escalator system has been added nearby the entrance that draw circulation flows into the escalators instead of the ramp. District: Ma On Shan Year: 1987 Typology: Atrium Floor: 5 Ownership: LINK Reit #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_community #恆安邨 #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救 #hongkongshoppingmall #shoppingmall #pops #hongkongestate #estatelife #hkcommunity #hengon #hkdevelopment #hkarchitecture
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啟業邨商場: 環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場
啟業邨商場 啟業主場!環環相扣的建築群保護著空曠的中央廣場 一目了然的視線/ 啟業邨的規劃是將社區及商業空間都佈置在邨裡的中心。 而當你到達廣場中心觀察四周,便會覺得其格局是清晰易明的。 底層的商鋪圍繞著中央廣場,上層便是社區中心。而商場、街市、停車場與商鋪和社區中心井井有條地環環相扣。一條樓梯從停車場外在廣場中心冒出,並通過清晰的標示設計引領你到剛翻好的「啟業主場」。中央廣場的安全感來自被包圍的建築群,但廣場只提供一些長凳和景觀設計,因此多只吸引到老人家和附近上班的人來休息。整體來說空間之間連結得很有條理,只欠公共空間用途的多樣性。 地區: 九龍灣 建造年份: 1981 建築類型: 庭院式 樓層: 1 持有公司: 民坊 Observable experience/ In Kai Yip Estate, all community and commercial programmes are clearly positioned at the centre of the estate. When you arrive at the open space, you will easily indicate that a block of shopping centre connects all street stores at the ground floor that sitting under the housing blocks and community services at the upper level are connected by a covered walkway and a community centre. The extended staircase pops up from the car park and guides you from the ground to the rooftop sports court through clear architectural form and signage. The open space is secured by housing blocks, community centre and car park block. Since there are only some benches and landscape provided, the major occupants are elderly who were resting and workers were having their quick lunch and break. All programmes are well connected, but lacking diversity for the inhabit in open space. District: Kowloon Bay Year: 1981 Typology: Courtyard Floor: 1 Ownership: People’s Place #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_archi #hkshoppingcentre #hkestate #香港文化 #hkculture #屋邨商場 #hkpublicspace #公共空間
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彩雲邨商場: 穿梭在這城市森林的坡道 - 細看著片刻的喧嚷
彩雲邨商場 穿梭在這城市森林的坡道細看著片刻的喧嚷🌲🌴 各種社區空間的驚喜/ 彩雲邨商場被清水灣道分成兩邊。由於這個屋邨與九龍灣和彩虹都相對較遠,因此這裡的規劃比較全面和集中,包括巴士總站,市場,超級市場,餐廳和雜貨店等,能夠自給自足。這個商場的空間絕對能給你不少驚喜。沿途走過這商場,你會發現一個休憩空間向清水灣道伸展出去,原來這裡種著一棵百年老樹;在酒樓對面的走廊可以發現兒童玩樂的設施;商場的中心點是個像「城市森林」般的公共空間;最後你可以走過樓梯上到空曠的天台平台看遍整個山頭。儘管彩雲的社區中心與商場(大約200米)是分開的,但是整座商業建築本身已經提供了很精彩的商業與社區體驗。 穿梭在城市森林的坡道/ 六個園境的佈置構成了這個「城市森林」。很有趣的是居民很自然地分佈在三個區域以免發生衝突或打擾到其他人。空間的南側是老人休息和看報紙的地方;中央部分因馬會開設在側旁,而被不少中年男士佔據著。北側多為休息或吃午飯的人。三個區域沒有明確的分界線,郤能看到他們能夠和諧地分享同一空間,這裡讓我看到社區自主的可能性。兩個坡道橫誇整個「城市森林」,提供了一種較慢的步行體驗,一邊可以細看著公共空間發生的片刻,另一邊可以觀看到攤位之間的喧嚷。 地區: 彩虹 建造年份: 1979 建築類型: 開放式建築 樓層: 4 持有公司: 領展 Urban Forest/ Six blocks of landscape form the urban forest. There are generally three types of user who determine their occupying zone clearly to avoid conflict and disturbing experiences. The south side of space was occupied by elderly who were resting and reading newspapers; the central part was occupied by men who were doing horse betting while the jockey club was next to the space; the north side was occupied by the elderly and workers who were taking a break or having lunch. The circulation is directing to the urban forest. On the contrary, two ramps run between the span of the void offering a walkable experience that you could either be watching the activities in the urban forest or in the stores on the other side. District: Choi Hung Year: 1979 Typology: Open Block Floor: 4 Ownership: Link Reit #我港 #kongcept #kongcept_community #彩雲邨 #香港屋邨 #屋邨商場 #hkshoppingcentre #香港自救
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