January 29, 2021


「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。

The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO.

皇都戲院: (二) 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!
皇都第二回! 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!⚒🎭 我港分享了各種被遺忘和值得保育的香港文化,但今次不再紙上談兵,而是為保育一級歷史建築-皇都戲院-略盡綿力。新世界投得皇都戲院後,承諾形神俱備地讓皇都戲院重生,而旗下非牟利機構 @culturefortomorrow 最近籌辦了名為《尋找你我他的皇都》的代入式歷史體驗活動,作為是次計畫的序章。皇都戲院有多方面的價值:推動香港文化產業、劃時代的建築技術、和香港的生存印證。上次我港介紹了關於皇都對香港文娛發展的深遠影響(註1),今次會著墨更多在其建築和空間之關係的介紹。 被忽視的現代主義建築/ 在繼續介紹皇都之前,先讓我說說皇都代表的現代主義建築。它們既沒有古典主義的羅馬柱,又沒有現代玻璃大廈的未來感,而當時現代主義多以建築功能作設計的首先考慮,因此被很多人覺得它們都只是平平無奇的水泥建築。但其實好的現代主義建築能透過外牆與其建築功能分佈的協調,透過規律的線條散發著含蓄而冷靜的美感。而現代主義建築記錄香港戰後的殖民地歷史,從其設計能找到香港當時的生活模式、社會狀況、甚至政治意圖。例如上回介紹的順利邨商場般(註2)的粗獷主義建築是內藏當時港英政府戰後更新國家形象的意圖。 香港獨有的現代主義演釋 - 皇都/ 當然,不是所有現代主義建築都擁有同等的價值,而最直接的量度好壞的方法是看設計背後的意圖和美學考慮的多寡。從整體設計來看,皇都戲院像是個反叛的孩子,與當時建造的戲院手法毫不相近, 建築師劉新科及工程師George. W. Grey 巧妙利用了外露的飛拱水泥鋼根結構,一個個規律的圓拱告訴你他們抓著的戲院究竟有多大。飛拱令戲院無需支柱支撐,提升了視覺和聽覺的質素。中大建築學教授鍾宏亮Thomas Chung更認為這設計是受著名現代主義建築師 Le Corbusier 的蘇維埃宮殿設計所啟發。 🎬🛍️戲院與商場的結合/ 但令我最印象深刻是原為停車場改建而成的商場,這可能是該年代香港少數集住宅、戲院、和商場於一身的建築。商場巧妙地利用上方戲院座位的高度差創造了與典型商場不同的商業空間。當你處身於商場內的走廊上,不難發覺每隔一段路就有樓梯向上或下行,商鋪高度也跟住坡道改變,十分有趣。而鋪頭的招牌和鋪頭外的信箱形造出街鋪。我曾探訪過停業前的皇都商場,看到一位店主的愛妻在鋪外埋頭苦幹做飯的畫面(註3),商場環境好比一個小社區。 未來的活化計劃是將會重用戲院部份作表演空間,這是十分令人鼓舞的消息。有別於大館或PMQ等活化都將原建築功能改為文化空間,皇都戲院能夠將其背負著的那段輝煌的香港娛樂文化歷史帶到現在,為本地藝術工作者提供表演場地,這令此建築具更深的意義。過往很多現代主義建築都逃不過清拆的命運,例如政府帶頭清拆的皇后碼頭、舊政府總部、中環郵局總部等,皇都得以保留值得我們感到欣慰,我港寄望借它來告訴大眾,不少看現代主義建築的美! (註1)重溫: 皇都印證著香港文娛的發展 (註2)重溫: 順利邨商場流動的粗獷主義 (註3)重溫: 皇都店主愛妻的日常 Story有link! #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #StateTheatre #皇都戲院 #NewWorld #hkarchitecture #hkconservation #hkheritage #readopt #活化 #皇都活化 #再說皇都 #歷史建築 #hkhistory #香港歷史 #香港社區 #hkmall #hkshopping #香港商場 #hktheatre #香港戲院 #hkculture #香港文化 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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商業與公眾利益的取捨 Give and take of commercial and communal interest 以人的角度出發/ 私有的特定公共空間不應只是一個換取更多建造面積的工具,而應以第一身的體驗為出發點。現時發展商提供只限於行人走道這個較低層次的功能,他們認為從商業角度來看公共空間有損鄰近商鋪的價值,所以我們難以找到一個舒適而方便的私有公共空間。但只有從第一身的角度去設計公共空間才可將其空間與商業空間連結,為人們提供一個完整的體驗,更能提升其商場的知名度與價值。一個吸引人來和享受的公共空間反而能夠刺激消費,而不是用方法去阻止人們去使用這空間。青衣城二期便是一個成功將商場與公共空間合作的例子。他們將商場的天台改造成5000平方米多層次的綠化空間,人們能夠經過商場來到怡人的綠化區域,享受著開揚的沿岸河景。 香港,這個世界上數一數二擠迫的城市,對每個室外或室內的空間都爭分寸土,卻不忘尋找一點公共空間讓我們好好享受一個下午。城市當然需要發展,但發展商也有他們的社會責任,不只是為換取建造面積而提供公共空間,而真正讓人享受的空間,這是我們的權利去擁有的。 _______________________________________________________ From the angle of user/ The dedicated POPS should be considered as more than a tool to gain extra areas to build more floors but from the angle of the user's experience. Most of the dedicated POPS provided by developers only reached the first layer objective to provide a space for people passing through. They are examined from the commercial angle that public space will affect the economic value of retail stores nearby. Therefore, it is rare to find a dedicated POPS that is pleasant to stay but also easily accessible. However, only when the public space is designed by the angle of user can bind the commercial and public space together to provide a comprehensive experience for customers. It could be possible to foster the reputation and value of the shopping mall. Rather than setting rules to pushing out people away from the public space, welcoming public space can already fascinate people to stay but also consume in the mall potentially. Maritime Square 2 in Tsing Yi is a delightful example that uses its spacious public park as the magnetism binds with its shopping mall. Located at the terraces, people are engaged to access the 5000 sq m stretching park on different levels through the mall to enjoy the view of the habour. As one of the most dense cities in the world, we are fighting for every inch of space we can have inside and in between buildings, but also a public space that we can pause and relax in the busy afternoon. We do need new development. Developers have their social responsibility not only to provide public spaces for their own interest of extra floors to build, but public spaces that people can really enjoy
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古諮會會議: 石階、水務建設、警署 - 通通都與我們的生活相關。
古諮會第一九二次會議 🏙石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築 通通都與我們的生活相關。 流程簡介/ 我港上星期參加了古諮會舉辦的公開會議。這種公開會議每逢三個月會舉辦一次,公眾和傳媒都可以去旁聽的,而會議內容也會上載於網站供市民查閱。會議分別為幾部分,首先是介紹和確定數項法定古蹟,然後討論了一個活化項目的文物影響報告,最後討論並擬定數個新加入的歷史建築,即包括近來受公眾十分關注的主教山儲水池。聽過了一個個歷史建築的介紹,我感到一點慚愧,其實這些寶藏一直在我們身邊,但我們卻沒有在意。 這些歷史建築拼湊出香港人的生活/ 石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築通通都與我們的生活相關。會議中介紹了很多隱藏在我們社區當中的歷史建築。 1️⃣🚓大埔舊警署,它其實已經有超過一百年歷史,連同附近的舊北區理民府、前新界分區警司官邸及前新界華民政務司官邸,代表著當時剛發展的新界政制中心,在二O一五年被活化為綠匯學苑。 2️⃣🪜磅巷台楷,不要少看這幾段看似平平無奇的花崗岩(部份段落為水泥)樓梯,其實每段樓梯都勾劃著華人在不同時期於太平山區生活的過程。 3️⃣🧧沙頭角沙咀村協天宮,坐落於香港邊界的禁區,體現了「廟校合一」的價值,從廟內的碑文中能找到以前華人移民到澳洲、紐西蘭的一段歷史。 4️⃣⛲️主教山蓄水池,除了其建築特色外,作為界限街以北的新九龍水務發展的起點,它一直默默地作為城市的脈搏,為當時的人提供乾淨食水。 古蹟辦的職能限制/ 值得一提的是剛決定為三級歷史建築,屯門何福堂建築群。他們也擁有超過一百年歷史,現存放完整度也十分高。當時是傳道會送贈於中華基督教會香港區會,已被丟空十多年。但教會一直去信古蹟辦聲稱該建築群不值得被評為歷史建築,卻未能提出具說服力的原因。雖然教會沒有權力去否定這決定,但有委員擔心教會或不會為建築群提供保護及活化計劃。這反映了即使為一些具價值的歷史建築評級,因為沒有法律的保障和古蹟辦職能的局限,我們難以保證他們會否受到保護,作為公眾或政府的角色其實十分被動的。 確幸的充權/ 雖然作為旁聽者的我未能在會議中提供意見,但我與其他公眾和傳媒作為委員的「監察者」,我們能夠看到這些重要決定的決策過程,有不滿意或認為不正確的地方,我們可以透過不同平台發表,而委員們作為「被監察者」也會更認真地審視各個決定。香港教育一直很缺乏對於香港史的內容,而這些重要的歷史卻是我們認識香港建築價值的根本。或者你會覺得這些會議可能不關你事,但作為香港人,我們有責任去認識我們的歷史,以及作為「監察者」保護敘述這些歷史的建築。 #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #tonglau #hkconservation #我港建築 #保育 #香港歷史建築 #hkhistory
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轉角唐樓: (一) 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?
唐樓第二課! 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?🏢 喘息空間/ 轉角唐樓泛指座落於兩條道路交界的唐樓,起源於1930年代。上回提到這年代的唐樓屬第三代的戰前產品,開始由建築師去設計。普通的唐樓牆身都緊近著另外兩側的唐樓,設計局限於面向街的外牆上花心思,但轉角唐樓則能夠運用轉角位伸展更大的臨街外牆,擁有僅餘的喘息空間去演變不一樣的變化。 發水蛋糕樓的那五年/ 轉角唐樓的出現源於19世紀中的條例規定,如樓宇的騎樓部份能作遮雨的公共用途則不計算為建築面積。作為精打細算的香港人當然“著數”拿最盡,樓宇跟著行人路的形狀走,於是出現了能為行人遮雨的弧形唐樓。第一代的轉角唐樓特色是它的騎樓多需以柱作支撐,這些大得誇張的騎樓又可以叫做「走馬騎樓」;第二代轉角唐樓出現在二戰後,因人口的膨脹,轉角唐樓的騎樓部份被僭建為室內空間,而當時政府是容忍的;第三代的轉角唐樓則建於1962到66年。因政府在1962提出修例以防止樓宇建得過大和高,但因修例改動太大而推遲到1966先推行。於是發展商紛紛趕著在這五年蓋最高最大的轉角唐樓。 The Breathing Space/ Do you know that corner Tong Lau is most common to be found in the Kowloon district?And it is a mixed-race of Hong Kongese and Belgian ? Corner Tong Lau, occurred in the 1930s, is regarded as the Tong Lau that was situated across two roads. The previous introduction of Tong Lau mentioned that they are the third generation of Tong Lau but were the first to be designed by architects. Ordinary Tong Lau sat side by side and limited the space for design efforts to be delivered, only on the façade facing the street. However, taking advantage of using a stretching façade crossing two roads, the variance could be found from the remaining breathing space. The Five Year of Cake-formed Tong Lau/ The emergence of corner tong lau originated in the mid-19th century regulations stipulating that if the extended part of a building can be served for public purposes as a shelter from rain, it was not counted as a built area. Of course, smart Hong Kong people did not miss out this chance to maximise their gain, they built an arc-shaped building contours extended along the footpath, formed the corner Tong Lau. The first-generation corner tong lau’s characteristic is the columns that need to be built to support the extended part. These exaggerated verandas could also be called " Horse-crossing Veranda "; the second-generation corner tong lau occurred due to the expansion of the population, the extension of the corner tong lau was illegally built as indoor spaces, tolerated by the government. The third-generation corner tong lau was built during 1962-66. The government proposed amendments in 1962 to prevent buildings from being built too large and tall, but delayed to be established until 1966.
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從四個保育案例看香港古蹟制度的敗處🗿 竟然沒有法律保障歷史建築物!? 皇后碼頭/ 皇后碼頭以現代主義建築形式興建而成,原是皇后像廣場的停泊處,只供香港總督及英國主要官員往返香港時使用。後來改建成皇后碼頭,價值不止是其現代主義建築,還有它作為記錄香港人集體回憶的公共空間。政府以發展為由,竟帶頭將這個一級歷史建築清拆。十三年後,至今仍沒有重建計劃。其實香港的「歷史建築」只有參考作用,沒有法律效力;「法定古蹟」才有法律保障。即使近年政府提出,被評為一級歷史建築能被接納為已列入具高度價值的建築,增加成為法定古蹟機會,但很多歷史建築因私人業權問題難以保育,最後也只能落得清拆下場,例如「同德大押」(grade III) 和「何東花園」(grade I)。 「古蹟辦」被笑稱「估即辦」,考察過程草率了事 皇都戲院/ 皇都戲院已經有六十九年歷史,它作為香港昔日娛樂事業風光年代的證據,也盛載我們的集體回憶。國際保育專業組織 Docomomo International在一六年發出「文物危急警示」促請為它評級為一級歷史建築,但古蹟辦被揭發對戲院的內部改動情況不充分掌握就草率提出將戲院列為三級歷史建築的建議。先不論古蹟辦考察過程透明度之低,其中一位負責評審的學者竟說:「假若漢墓值5分,清代(建築)最多4分,咁皇都幾多分?」(bio有「活現香港」皇都戲院評級爭議懶人包的link),從這話可看出他們的想法已與現今保育方向脫節。幸好最後古諮會評定它為一級,現時被新世界發展商收購,是首個發展商主動提出的活化項目。 Queen's Pier; No legal protection for historical buildings Built in the form of modernist architecture, its value lies in its use as a public space that records the Hong Kong people’s collective memory. The government demolished this first-class historic building for the new development scheme. In fact, Hong Kong’s "historical buildings" are only for reference and have no legal validity; only "declared monuments" have legal protection. Even though the government has proposed in recent years that historic buildings rated as Grade I can be accepted as buildings of high value which increasing the chance of becoming statutory monuments, many historic buildings are difficult to preserve due to private ownership issues, and they can only be demolished in the end. State Theatre; ‘Antiquities and Monuments Office’ teased as ‘Assumption Making Office’ . The inspection process was regarded as hasty It has a history of 69 years. It serves as evidence of Hong Kong's past entertainment industry and also contains our collective memories as a HKer. Docomomo International, an international conservation professional organization, issued the "Cultural Relics Emergency Warning" in 2016, urging it to be graded as a Grade I historical building. However, the AMO was revealed that it did not fully acknowledge the internal changes to the theatre and rashly proposed to list it as a Grade III historical building. It is currently being purchased by the New World Development and is the first conservation project proposed by the developer.
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Countdown 1️⃣!!!! 建築師只設計建築,但地方是由你湊建 🏘Architects design buildings, but you build your own places 如果你在google搜尋香港的照片,十居其九都會看到俯瞰維港一帶高樓的照片,這不止告訴著你香港的繁華,也能讓你驚歎著每棟樓亂中有序地拼湊出香港這個地方,但這真的是香港全貌嗎?香港人每天為了擁有一個住的地方而打拼,由那些在唐樓劏房逆境求存的日子,或經過那些年的屋邨生活,到終於上到私樓,卻被困在無盡的商場裡。這些畫面大概才是香港的真實寫照吧。「建築與地方」會介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,希望能夠藉著此去探索這些空間與我們的關係和他們存在的價值。 ___________________________________________ When you try to google the images of ‘’Hong Kong ‘’, you can find a bunch of photographs with a overlooking view of the Victoria Harbour and stunning skyscrapers. It projects Hong Kong as a bustling city and impresses you by the buildings' order from chaos. However, is it really the full picture of Hong Kong? Hong Kongers are fighting for a home to live every day: From the struggle of survival at subdivided flat inide Tong Lau to the good old days in public housing neighbourhood, and to finally owning a dream house but trapped among identical shopping malls. These are the cruel reality of Hong Kong. The category ‘’Architecture and places’’ includes the introduction of buildings and places that recorded every moment of our living in this city. We wish to reveal the values and relationships between them and us and every one of you are part of the story. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #koncept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #hkarchitecture #hkplaces #concretejungle #subdividedflat #hkneighbourhood #香港建築 #香港地方 #石屎森林 #劏房 #香港屋邨
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轉角唐樓: (二) 蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿
蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿 比利時義品公司/ 轉角唐樓與比利時地產公司其實有莫大關係。19世紀的比利時是歐洲工業革命中發展得較蓬勃的國家。有別於其他歐洲大國積極擴展軍事及殖民地,比利時郤側重於資金、工業及學術出口到全世界。這造就了比利時義品公司在香港的出現。比利時義品公司在香港的生意主要在房地產投資、建築設計、施工作業、抵押貸款到物業管理,可算是一條龍服務。公司的總部在布魯塞爾,支部都由比利時人領導,但都需要華人在港管理。而他們的建築師大多來自比利時,不但引入現代摩登主義的設計,還因應香港的地貌與天氣,生產出具香港特色的轉角唐樓。很多轉角唐樓因應香港熱帶天氣而設計露天的走廊,作為室外與室內的緩衝空間。你更可以從圍欄通花找到裝飾藝術的足跡。范威利克出任當時的總負責人,是其中一個具影響力的建築師帶領著裝飾藝術到摩登主義的過渡。 瀕臨絕種/ 唐樓的起源在港島,但轉角唐樓的起源則在九龍。他象徵了當時香港的城市發展,摩登的轉角建築塑造了中產階層的社區。現在香港只剩下九座戰前的轉角唐樓,而青山道301,303號因遲遲未被評為歷史建築,而面臨被清拆的命運。現今被活化保留的轉角唐樓只有改造成中醫學院的雷生春及剛翻新的為群公寓。 的確,要將唐樓的商業價值提高至摩天大樓般是沒有可能的。但如果我們將商業與文化價值去看,活化唐樓群組不但保留社區特色,更可以打造成特色景點,商業與文化價值也能相輔相成。香港,這個地方有著世界級的商業中心,背後其實還有更大的建築資源等待被好好利用。但在經濟效益主導的世道下,究竟我們能否運用建築價值去記錄和分享其年代的故事? Who is Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient (CFEO)/ Corner Tong Lau had a relationship with some of the Belgium developers. In the 19th century, Belgium attained substantial development from industrial revolution. Belgium based companies such as the Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient(CFEO) expanded to Hong Kong with Belgian-styles development investment, architectural design, construction work, mortgage service, and property management. Moreover, through localisation, corner Tong Lau was designed in response to the geographical and climate context in HK. Gabriel Van Wylick was the office head in Hong Kong, he was one of the influential architects who led the transition from Art Deco to the modernism age. Endangered/ Tong Lau's emergence was in Hong Kong Island, but Tong Lau first appeared in Kowloon. It emblemed the city development of Hong Kong in a particular period. Even though looking at the significance of Castle Park Road 301-303, it cannot escape from the destiny of demolition that it still has not been graded as a historical building. When we take community and cultural value into consideration, the assembly of different preserved historic buildings can be the hero. It can protect the community's unique character while accelerating the cultural and commercial value of that area. At the age of economic dominance, are there opportunities left for architecture to record n share stories of this city? #archi_kongcept
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Countdown 1️⃣!!!! 建築師只設計建築,但地方是由你湊建 🏘Architects design buildings, but you build your own places 如果你在google搜尋香港的照片,十居其九都會看到俯瞰維港一帶高樓的照片,這不止告訴著你香港的繁華,也能讓你驚歎著每棟樓亂中有序地拼湊出香港這個地方,但這真的是香港全貌嗎?香港人每天為了擁有一個住的地方而打拼,由那些在唐樓劏房逆境求存的日子,或經過那些年的屋邨生活,到終於上到私樓,卻被困在無盡的商場裡。這些畫面大概才是香港的真實寫照吧。「建築與地方」會介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,希望能夠藉著此去探索這些空間與我們的關係和他們存在的價值。 ___________________________________________ When you try to google the images of ‘’Hong Kong ‘’, you can find a bunch of photographs with a overlooking view of the Victoria Harbour and stunning skyscrapers. It projects Hong Kong as a bustling city and impresses you by the buildings' order from chaos. However, is it really the full picture of Hong Kong? Hong Kongers are fighting for a home to live every day: From the struggle of survival at subdivided flat inide Tong Lau to the good old days in public housing neighbourhood, and to finally owning a dream house but trapped among identical shopping malls. These are the cruel reality of Hong Kong. The category ‘’Architecture and places’’ includes the introduction of buildings and places that recorded every moment of our living in this city. We wish to reveal the values and relationships between them and us and every one of you are part of the story. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #koncept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #hkarchitecture #hkplaces #concretejungle #subdividedflat #hkneighbourhood #香港建築 #香港地方 #石屎森林 #劏房 #香港屋邨
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿 香港古物與古蹟架構/ 「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。 The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO. #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #hkconservation
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建築與地方🏘 現在經過屋邨商場你還會願意流連嗎?⛲️Gorgeous Mall or Neighbourhood Centre? Illustration by: @donfo.lio 城市客廳/ 你還記得小時候在屋邨商場打發時間的回憶嗎?香港在50年代開始興建大量高層的公共房屋以應付大量的人口增長。以規劃角度來說,要在地面上建造足夠的社區空間去滿足幾座、幾十層居民是十分困難的。於是你便會發現許多公園、社福機構、廣場穿插於屋邨商場裡,成為了商場的一部份。與現今商場的建造目的不同,屋邨商場除了有快餐店、士多、雜貨店讓居民購物用餐,有著照顧社區的功能。同時,因為無需要達到龐大的商業價值和利潤,屋邨商場的設計十分多元化,令它變得不只是一個賺錢的盒子。 只有商業價值/ 但你會否發現這種模式的屋邨商場買少見少?因為03年時面對沙士導致經濟衰退,政府為了開源節流,將原先由房委會擁有和管理的屋邨商場出售給領展 (原名領匯)。以價高者得的商業原則下,較低利潤的士多、雜貨店搬走,一些高檔次及奢侈品的商舖隨之進駐,租金跟隨上調。通過翻新商場,以此為由加租,亦為了讓商場保持新鮮感,更會要求商戶每隔幾年調鋪一次。休憩空間的元素因沒有商業價值而相應被移取。的確,翻新了的商場設計觀感有了很大的改善,但卻失去了我們流連在此的原因。 Urban Living Room/ Recalling the fading memories of my childhood, estate shopping centres used to be one of my favourite places to wander around. In the 1950s, to support the rapid population growth, the government decided to build a large number of high-rise public housings. Some of the estate shopping centres are combined with parks, social welfare institutions and open plaza.The purposes of estate shopping centres are not only to provide restaurants and shops but more importantly, also to cater to the needs and desires of the local microcosm. Moreover, as commercial value is not the only concern, it is something more than just a profit-making machine which brings the design of an estate shopping centre has more opportunity and diversity. Commercial Purpose Only/ Unfortunately, the purpose of being a community centres is coming to an end. Before 2003, most of the estate shopping centres were initially being managed by the Housing Authority, the government has sold the majority of estate shopping centres to a real estate developer to recover recession from SARS, Under the principle of the highest bidder wins, with the rent increases accordingly, numerous small local shops and grocery stores are now replaced by high-profit luxury shops and all kinds of chain stores. Besides, some merchants are required to refurbish or relocate their shops every few years to maintain a fresh look. Eventually, commercial value has become the only priority, and the elements of being the open space are removed. They look better, but the purpose of staying is lost. #archi_kongcept #我港建築 #kongcept #我港
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿‍香港古物與古蹟架構/「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。‍The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO.
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從四個保育案例看香港古蹟制度的敗處🗿 竟然沒有法律保障歷史建築物!? 皇后碼頭/ 皇后碼頭以現代主義建築形式興建而成,原是皇后像廣場的停泊處,只供香港總督及英國主要官員往返香港時使用。後來改建成皇后碼頭,價值不止是其現代主義建築,還有它作為記錄香港人集體回憶的公共空間。政府以發展為由,竟帶頭將這個一級歷史建築清拆。十三年後,至今仍沒有重建計劃。其實香港的「歷史建築」只有參考作用,沒有法律效力;「法定古蹟」才有法律保障。即使近年政府提出,被評為一級歷史建築能被接納為已列入具高度價值的建築,增加成為法定古蹟機會,但很多歷史建築因私人業權問題難以保育,最後也只能落得清拆下場,例如「同德大押」(grade III) 和「何東花園」(grade I)。 「古蹟辦」被笑稱「估即辦」,考察過程草率了事 皇都戲院/ 皇都戲院已經有六十九年歷史,它作為香港昔日娛樂事業風光年代的證據,也盛載我們的集體回憶。國際保育專業組織 Docomomo International在一六年發出「文物危急警示」促請為它評級為一級歷史建築,但古蹟辦被揭發對戲院的內部改動情況不充分掌握就草率提出將戲院列為三級歷史建築的建議。先不論古蹟辦考察過程透明度之低,其中一位負責評審的學者竟說:「假若漢墓值5分,清代(建築)最多4分,咁皇都幾多分?」(bio有「活現香港」皇都戲院評級爭議懶人包的link),從這話可看出他們的想法已與現今保育方向脫節。幸好最後古諮會評定它為一級,現時被新世界發展商收購,是首個發展商主動提出的活化項目。 Queen's Pier; No legal protection for historical buildings Built in the form of modernist architecture, its value lies in its use as a public space that records the Hong Kong people’s collective memory. The government demolished this first-class historic building for the new development scheme. In fact, Hong Kong’s "historical buildings" are only for reference and have no legal validity; only "declared monuments" have legal protection. Even though the government has proposed in recent years that historic buildings rated as Grade I can be accepted as buildings of high value which increasing the chance of becoming statutory monuments, many historic buildings are difficult to preserve due to private ownership issues, and they can only be demolished in the end. State Theatre; ‘Antiquities and Monuments Office’ teased as ‘Assumption Making Office’ . The inspection process was regarded as hasty It has a history of 69 years. It serves as evidence of Hong Kong's past entertainment industry and also contains our collective memories as a HKer. Docomomo International, an international conservation professional organization, issued the "Cultural Relics Emergency Warning" in 2016, urging it to be graded as a Grade I historical building. However, the AMO was revealed that it did not fully acknowledge the internal changes to the theatre and rashly proposed to list it as a Grade III historical building. It is currently being purchased by the New World Development and is the first conservation project proposed by the developer.
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