現在經過屋邨商場你還會願意流連嗎?⛲️Gorgeous Mall or Neighbourhood Centre?
Illustration by: @donfo.lio
但你會否發現這種模式的屋邨商場買少見少?因為03年時面對沙士導致經濟衰退,政府為了開源節流,將原先由房委會擁有和管理的屋邨商場出售給領展 (原名領匯)。以價高者得的商業原則下,較低利潤的士多、雜貨店搬走,一些高檔次及奢侈品的商舖隨之進駐,租金跟隨上調。通過翻新商場,以此為由加租,亦為了讓商場保持新鮮感,更會要求商戶每隔幾年調鋪一次。休憩空間的元素因沒有商業價值而相應被移取。的確,翻新了的商場設計觀感有了很大的改善,但卻失去了我們流連在此的原因。
Urban Living Room/
Recalling the fading memories of my childhood, estate shopping centres used to be one of my favourite places to wander around. In the 1950s, to support the rapid population growth, the government decided to build a large number of high-rise public housings. Some of the estate shopping centres are combined with parks, social welfare institutions and open plaza. The purposes of estate shopping centres are not only to provide restaurants and shops but more importantly, also to cater to the needs and desires of the local microcosm. Moreover, as commercial value is not the only concern, it is something more than just a profit-making machine which brings the design of an estate shopping centre has more opportunity and diversity.
Commercial Purpose Only/
Unfortunately, the purpose of being a community centres is coming to an end. Before 2003, most of the estate shopping centres were initially being managed by the Housing Authority, the government has sold the majority of estate shopping centres to a real estate developer to recover recession from SARS, Under the principle of the highest bidder wins, with the rent increases accordingly, numerous small local shops and grocery stores are now replaced by high-profit luxury shops and all kinds of chain stores. Besides, some merchants are required to refurbish or relocate their shops every few years to maintain a fresh look. Eventually, commercial value has become the only priority, and the elements of being the open space are removed. They look better, but the purpose of staying is lost.