樂華邨商場是單棟的商業建築,它通過懸挑的屋頂連接各個屋苑平台和公共空間。 由巴士總站出發,你的視線會先被屋頂上的鮮色圖案吸引, 這裏是老年人休息或居民等待巴士的地方。然後經過拱形走廊,一直到懸臂屋頂覆蓋著的公共空間,這裡的空間被分成兩部份,上半部份主要通往不同的屋苑,下半部份為綠化的休憩空間。 最後你可以隨意選擇從任何位置進入商業建築,並通過圍繞著建築的扶手梯或樓梯穿梭不同樓層。
建築的形態和顏色體現了樂華邨名稱的含義 - 「快樂中華」。建築師將中國亭園的形態以簡約的現代主義方式呈現,抽象地以桁架、垂直和水平的線條演繹。此外,中式元素貫穿了整個屋邨,由巴士站旁走道頂的紅黃橙色、商業建築的紅色地磚、再到屋苑的粉紅色外牆。
⛩ Chinese Architecture in Modernist Translation/
Lok Wah Shopping Centre is a single commercial block linking various podiums and open spaces, with a cantilevered roof. The journey starts from the bus terminal; you will reach the first open space that is with a welcoming warm-coloured roof, it is where the elderly take a rest or wait for buses. Then the journey continues by passing through the arch-shaped corridor and down to the two-floors-split open spaces covered by the cantilevered roof. You can then enter the commercial block and circulate around through escalators or staircases.
The architectural form and colours embody the meaning of the name ‘’ Lok Wah樂華’’, which means ‘’ joyful Chinese 快樂中華 ’’. The Chinese pavilion form is explicitly abstracted to a modernist translation of planes, angler trusses and columns. They are also coherent to the red floor tiles placed throughout the commercial block.
District: Kwun Tong
Year: 1985
Type: Courtyard
Floor: 3
Ownership: Link Reit