商業與公眾利益的取捨 Give and take of commercial and communal interest以人的角度出發/私有的特定公共空間不應只是一個換取更多建造面積的工具,而應以第一身的體驗為出發點。現時發展商提供只限於行人走道這個較低層次的功能,他們認為從商業角度來看公共空間有損鄰近商鋪的價值,所以我們難以找到一個舒適而方便的私有公共空間。但只有從第一身的角度去設計公共空間才可將其空間與商業空間連結,為人們提供一個完整的體驗,更能提升其商場的知名度與價值。一個吸引人來和享受的公共空間反而能夠刺激消費,而不是用方法去阻止人們去使用這空間。青衣城二期便是一個成功將商場與公共空間合作的例子。他們將商場的天台改造成5000平方米多層次的綠化空間,人們能夠經過商場來到怡人的綠化區域,享受著開揚的沿岸河景。香港,這個世界上數一數二擠迫的城市,對每個室外或室內的空間都爭分寸土,卻不忘尋找一點公共空間讓我們好好享受一個下午。城市當然需要發展,但發展商也有他們的社會責任,不只是為換取建造面積而提供公共空間,而真正讓人享受的空間,這是我們的權利去擁有的。_______________________________________________________From the angle of user/The dedicated POPS should be considered as more than a tool to gain extra areas to build more floors but from the angle of the user's experience. Most of the dedicated POPS provided by developers only reached the first layer objective to provide a space for people passing through. They are examined from the commercial angle that public space will affect the economic value of retail stores nearby. Therefore, it is rare to find a dedicated POPS that is pleasant to stay but also easily accessible. However, only when the public space is designed by the angle of user can bind the commercial and public space together to provide a comprehensive experience for customers. It could be possible to foster the reputation and value of the shopping mall. Rather than setting rules to pushing out people away from the public space, welcoming public space can already fascinate people to stay but also consume in the mall potentially. Maritime Square 2 in Tsing Yi is a delightful example that uses its spacious public park as the magnetism binds with its shopping mall. Located at the terraces, people are engaged to access the 5000 sq m stretching park on different levels through the mall to enjoy the view of the habour. As one of the most dense cities in the world, we are fighting for every inch of space we can have inside and in between buildings, but also a public space that we can pause and relax in the busy afternoon. We do need new development. Developers have their social responsibility not only to provide public spaces for their own interest of extra floors to build, but public spaces that people can really enjoy