順利邨商場並沒有很明確的邊界,其商場範圍是以舊長型屋苑的建築輪廓作基本規劃,由於整個屋邨窄而長,商場空間像河流般穿梭於兩邊屋苑之中。街市和停車場坐落在屋邨的平台下,而平台上方的行人走道不僅連接了所有屋苑間的商鋪,而且塑造了多個高低起伏的休閒和靜態開放空間。 錯層的空間塑造了被包圍的安全感,並且讓地面的途人容易分辨方向。商場的形態展現了不少粗野主義的元素。建築群著重表達出十分厚實的橫向感,以較幼的結構柱作支撐,長而窄的窗口更伸延其橫向感。 空間的上下流動與粗獷主義堅實的對比營造了順利邨商場的獨特風格。
地區: 順利
建造年份: 1978
建築類型: 平台式樓層: 3
持有公司: 領展
Shun Lee Commercial Centre 🏢Brutalism, the contrast of flowing community space/The entire shopping centre flows according to the contours of slab block housing of the estate. The market and car park sit at the ground. The walkway at above not only links retail stores at all housing blocks, but it also shapes multiple voids for recreational and static open space. The open space at the split level suggests a secure spatial quality between two levels and become easily accessible from the ground to the retail level.The shopping centre presents itself as the architectural significance of brutalism. Slabs run with thin columns with large cantilevered masses and thick windows. The contrast between flowing spatial organisation and the rooted brutalism style comes into a unique identity in Shun Lee Shopping Centre.
District: Shun Lee
Year: 1978
Typology: Podium
Floor: 3
Ownership: Link Reit