Countdown 1️⃣!!!!建築師只設計建築,但地方是由你湊建 🏘Architects design buildings, but you build your own places如果你在google搜尋香港的照片,十居其九都會看到俯瞰維港一帶高樓的照片,這不止告訴著你香港的繁華,也能讓你驚歎著每棟樓亂中有序地拼湊出香港這個地方,但這真的是香港全貌嗎?香港人每天為了擁有一個住的地方而打拼,由那些在唐樓劏房逆境求存的日子,或經過那些年的屋邨生活,到終於上到私樓,卻被困在無盡的商場裡。這些畫面大概才是香港的真實寫照吧。「建築與地方」會介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,希望能夠藉著此去探索這些空間與我們的關係和他們存在的價值。
When you try to google the images of ‘’Hong Kong ‘’, you can find a bunch of photographs with a overlooking view of the Victoria Harbour and stunning skyscrapers. It projects Hong Kong as a bustling city and impresses you by the buildings' order from chaos. However, is it really the full picture of Hong Kong? Hong Kongers are fighting for a home to live every day: From the struggle of survival at subdivided flat inide Tong Lau to the good old days in public housing neighbourhood, and to finally owning a dream house but trapped among identical shopping malls. These are the cruel reality of Hong Kong. The category ‘’Architecture and places’’ includes the introduction of buildings and places that recorded every moment of our living in this city. We wish to reveal the values and relationships between them and us and every one of you are part of the story..📷 @mr_nkf .#我港 #koncept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #hkarchitecture #hkplaces #concretejungle #subdividedflat #hkneighbourhood#香港建築 #香港地方 #石屎森林 #劏房 #香港屋邨