南山邨商場由兩座徙置大廈形住宅伸延的平台包圍而成。平台主要則以兩層街市所組成,商鋪、餐廳則散在四周。相比起一般「綜合平台型」商場都具有十分空擴開放空間,這商場的開放空間則滿佈裡街市的檔口,但也因而創造了不規則的行走動線,緊接著周邊連接各住宅的通道。商場的橫向層次相對清晰,由三個主樓梯連接。樓梯最終通向開放的運動場,與下方街市繁忙緊密的氣氛成了強烈對比。運動場飽覽三邊住宅大廈的走廊景觀,當然對於居民來說可能久缺私隱度。但因大廈重複性和對稱性畫面令這運動場變成了打卡熱點,大家欣賞建築美學的同時,記得將音量收細! 商場各層的連接並不是明顯,但因而塑造了每層不一樣的性格和氣氛。
地區: 石硤尾
建造年份: 1977
建築類型: 綜合平台
樓層: 3
持有公司: 房屋署
Nam Shan Shopping Centre is formed by two podium levels of the market, surrounded podium retail stores at slab housing blocks. Although there is barely an open space in the podium level, the open planned market space creates free flows of circulation, interacting with the walkways towards different housing blocks. The horizontal hierarchy of the shopping centre is relatively clear, connected by three main staircases. On the contrary to the busy market podium, the stairs will eventually bring to an open sport court with recreational facilities at the rooftop. Surrounding by the stretching corridors of slab housing blocks, you can see the moments taking places in the neighbourhood. The rooftop sports count becomes a trending hotspot for photo taking. Although there is a lack of visual connection between different levels, it creates a non-disturbed and open ground for all to use.
District: Shek Kip Mei
Year: 1977
Typology: Integrated Podium
Floor: 3
Ownership: Housing Authority