🔺 廣福商場坐落於停車場和街市的上方。 商場底層連結著休閒和靜態設施的平台,平台的面積相當大,也達成了人車分隔。 建築外牆程現代主義風格,簡單的線條,以巨大方型水泥框勾劃出店鋪窗戶,但它主要以一部主扶手電梯進入商場的內部。雖然這商場「封閉式建築」型,商場並沒有設置中央冷氣,依靠中庭兩則的三角玻璃頂改善了通風和透光。玻璃滲透的自然光與錯層的空間營造出讓想舒服地逗留的氣氛。有部份的牆身原為鋪頭大門,現用了相當亮眼的紙皮石砌成,為空間制造一點驚喜。
地區: 大埔
建造年份: 1983
建築類型: 走廊式
樓層: 4
持有公司: 領展
Twin Pitch Roofs
Kwong Fuk Commerical Centre is a single block sitting above the car park and the market. It connects to a podium with recreational and static facilities in a similar footprint area. The main part of a commercial centre is linked only by a key escalator. Two pitch roofs improve the ventilation and daylight from a concealed block. A split level is created by the level control of atrium. There are also several balconies in between retail stores connecting the environment between the commercial centre and the estate.
District: Tai Po
Year: 1983
Typology: Arcade
Floor: 4
Ownership: LINK Reit